What's the Best Hot Tub

Table of Contents
Why should I buy a Hot Tub?
The Real cost of owning a Hot Tub
Types of Hot Tubs
Hot Tub Electric concerns - 220 vs. 110
Your options: Seats
Your options: Jets
Your options: Filtration and Purification
Your options: Surround
Your options: Cover
Shopping options: Local Dealer
Shopping options: Big Box Retailers
Shopping options: Online
Where to locate your new hot tub
Going to put it on a deck?
Hot tub foundations
What type of buyer are You?
"x" Person Hot Tub
How to shop for a spa
How to insulate a hot tub
How to drain a hot tub
How to clean a hot tub
How to buy a hot tub
How to build a concrete slab
How to treat hot tub rash
How to drain a hot tub with a hose
How to drain a hot tub for winter
How to level a hot tub
How to winterize a hot tub
How much chemical
How to make it work
Pea gravel base
Foam problems?
How to raise PH in your hot tub
How to lower PH in your hot tub
Save on hot tub electric bill
How to fix heavy hot tub cover
How to clean scale off of a hot tub
How high to fill a hot tub
How to fix hot tub HFL errors
How to remove mildew from hot tubs
Best hot tub chemicals?
How to kill staph in a hot tub
Remove jets
How to use the drain plug
Clean hot tub jets
Can I fill my hot tub with soft water?
Clean your filter with Muriatic acid
How to move a hot tub
Clean your filter in the dishwasher?
How to lower alkalinity levels
Reduce hardness of your water
You can repair freeze damage
How to stop hot tub overheating
Balance your chemicals
Support your hot tub on a deck
Can bleach be used in hot tubs?
How to eliminate bacteria
Repair your cracked hot tub
How to prime a hot tub pump
Organic alternatives
Hot tub age restrictions
Mice in your hot tub?
How to make your hot tub smell good
How does a hot tub pump work?
Hot tub health risks?
How to buy a cheap hot tub
Make your own spa defoamer
How to clean spa filter with vinegar
How to sanitize with lithium
Use vitamin C to neutralize chlorine
How to care for an inflatable hot tub
History of hot tub innovations
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Hot Tub Buying Guide

Why should I buy a Hot Tub?

So, you want a hot tub? A place to relax after a long, stressful day. A place to relieve those tense muscles. Ah, you can almost feel the hydrotherapy working already. There are quite a few reasons one would want to buy a hot tub. Let's take a look at some of these reasons, and see where you fall. It will help you determine what kind of hot tub you want. You want to be sure you pick the best hot tub for you, your needs, your budget and your lifestyle.

One reason to buy a hot tub is for the sheer enjoyment of it. Whether you plan to use it when entertaining friends or just for your own entertainment, a hot tub is a great way to enjoy an evening. If this is why you want a hot tub, consider how you will use it. Will it be just you and your significant other? Or will you invite others over? And if you invite friends, will it be a few of the guys? Another couple? A few girlfriends over for a girls' night? Or will you want to be able to invite more? Knowing this will help you determine the number of seats you will want in your new hot tub. Also, where will you put the hot tub? Location of the tub will need to be taken into consideration if you are having friends over. You won't want to make people trudge across the yard through the cold air or in the snow. Consider how many steps do they need to take in the elements to get into the hot tub? If your tub has easy access, you will use it and enjoy it more.

Aching back? Sore muscles? Health reasons are often cited when purchasing a hot tub. Maybe you suffer from back problems. Maybe sore muscles plague you. Hydrotherapy can melt away the soreness from those aching and tired muscles. Maybe you have a very stressful job and need a retreat from all that. Relaxing in a hot tub is a great way to get away from the busy-ness of everyday life. Has your doctor recommended hot tub use to help you maintain a healthier lifestyle? How often would you use your hot tub to help with these? Maybe you need to use your hot tub daily for physical relief. All these and more are good reasons for the purchase and use of a hot tub. Knowing clearly why you want to purchase a hot tub will help you narrow down the many choices and options available to you.

Do you have children? Kids are great, but they require lots of attention and energy. School, sports, homework, friends, diapers, timeouts, tantrums, meal time, bath time, and so much more come along with those cute faces and precious hugs. At the end of the day, parents need an escape. Dad and Mom deserve some time together alone! Are you up to your eyeballs in family matters? Maybe that's why you are looking at hot tubs-- a nice, relaxing place to meet each other after the kids go to bed. Enjoy some kid-free time to catch up with your spouse and remember why you started this crazy life together. Having a backyard retreat so readily available for you and your spouse to use can help ease the stresses of parenting away as you enjoy the hydrotherapy together. Let the water massage away the tensions that have been building all day allowing yourself to be calmed and release the burdens of the day away.

Consider how often you will use your hot tub. Each and every day? Weekends only? Once a month? When you start to think about this, be realistic. Where will you fit hot tub time into your schedule? Ah, just thinking about it, makes me want to say. . . no, yell - every day! But maybe that's not likely in your life with your demanding schedule. You have work, travel, kids, sports, homework, dance recitals, and so much more. But maybe, just maybe, you can sneak some time in daily to that oasis of relaxation that you have decided to invest in right in your own backyard. If it's something you will use each day or most days, think of the investment you want to make into something that will impact your life each and every day. It will be worth it to make sure it's the absolute best fit for you, your lifestyle and your needs.

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