What's the Best Hot Tub

Table of Contents
Why should I buy a Hot Tub?
The Real cost of owning a Hot Tub
Types of Hot Tubs
Hot Tub Electric concerns - 220 vs. 110
Your options: Seats
Your options: Jets
Your options: Filtration and Purification
Your options: Surround
Your options: Cover
Shopping options: Local Dealer
Shopping options: Big Box Retailers
Shopping options: Online
Where to locate your new hot tub
Going to put it on a deck?
Hot tub foundations
What type of buyer are You?
"x" Person Hot Tub
How to shop for a spa
How to insulate a hot tub
How to drain a hot tub
How to clean a hot tub
How to buy a hot tub
How to build a concrete slab
How to treat hot tub rash
How to drain a hot tub with a hose
How to drain a hot tub for winter
How to level a hot tub
How to winterize a hot tub
How much chemical
How to make it work
Pea gravel base
Foam problems?
How to raise PH in your hot tub
How to lower PH in your hot tub
Save on hot tub electric bill
How to fix heavy hot tub cover
How to clean scale off of a hot tub
How high to fill a hot tub
How to fix hot tub HFL errors
How to remove mildew from hot tubs
Best hot tub chemicals?
How to kill staph in a hot tub
Remove jets
How to use the drain plug
Clean hot tub jets
Can I fill my hot tub with soft water?
Clean your filter with Muriatic acid
How to move a hot tub
Clean your filter in the dishwasher?
How to lower alkalinity levels
Reduce hardness of your water
You can repair freeze damage
How to stop hot tub overheating
Balance your chemicals
Support your hot tub on a deck
Can bleach be used in hot tubs?
How to eliminate bacteria
Repair your cracked hot tub
How to prime a hot tub pump
Organic alternatives
Hot tub age restrictions
Mice in your hot tub?
How to make your hot tub smell good
How does a hot tub pump work?
Hot tub health risks?
How to buy a cheap hot tub
Make your own spa defoamer
How to clean spa filter with vinegar
How to sanitize with lithium
Use vitamin C to neutralize chlorine
How to care for an inflatable hot tub
History of hot tub innovations
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Hot Tub Buying Guide

Hot tub health risks?

You have a hot tub to improve your quality of life. Soaking in the hot tub provides many benefits. Your muscles are soothed, you have time to sit and relax enjoying the quiet or the company of another, you sweat out some toxins and your tensions are relieved.

But are there risks to using a hot tub? Well, like with anything in life, there are risks. If you are careful and use caution, your hot tub should not cause your or your loved ones any harm.

Water can be dangerous. A hot tub is filled with water and therefore, you should be careful around it. Drownings can occur if a hot tub cover is not secured when the tub is not in use. Children should be supervised at all times when near or in a hot tub to prevent possible issues with drowning. Also, you should not soak alone. Overheating can cause someone to grow faint. Because your body temperature is raised and you are sweating in water you may not be aware that you are becoming dehydrated. Be sure to consume water before you enter the tub so that you do not deydrate to the point that it causes issues for you. Replenish your fluids after your soak in the hot tub. If you choose to consume alcohol while in the hot tub, be careful. Dehydration can cause you to feel the effects of alcohol more quickly. Dehydration can also be an issue if you have high blood pressure or heart disease. Please talk to your doctor if you have any medical conditions that could be exacerbated by overheating. Raising the body's temperature can cause stress to the heart. Young children and pregnant women should not be subject to overheating. Again, talk to your doctor. In general, children should not be in the tub for more than 10 minutes at a time and the water temperature should not go above 102. Be sure that the area around the hot tub is safe and free from obstacles or hazards. Tripping or slipping in or near a hot tub can result in injury.

Proper maintenance of the tub and the tub's water are essential to keeping the tub a positive addition to your life and not a health risk. Water can be dangerous; electricity can be dangerous; water and electricity can be very dangerous. Be sure that the tub is connected to its power source properly and that all the components are in good working order. The water in the tub needs to be properly maintained to be safe to enter. You need to regularly check the chemical levels. Proper santiation is essential. Warm water is a perfect breeding ground for all kinds of germs, bacteria and other yuck. Make sure the maintain a healthy environment with the proper sanitizer and keep your pH levels in check. Bacteria can cause skin irriation and infections. Rashes are a common complaint of hot tub soakers when chemicals get out of line and bacteria are allowed to thrive. Also, too much of a good things can cause harm as well. If your chemicals are too high your skin can become irritated and, possibly, your respiratory system as well.

Sometimes even if your tub is safe and the water is healthy, you may have issues with the spa's jets' power. Some folks do not repsond as well to powerful jets as others. Maybe the jets' pulsating hydropower is hitting your muscles not quite where it's most beneficial. Most hot tub's have adjustable jets to change the direction and intensity of the pulse. This is one reason it's good to wet test a tub. Make sure the jets hit you where you want them to hit and that their hydrotherapeutic power is beneficial to you. We all respond differently as we are different sizes and shapes and have different muscular form and, therefore, outr hot tub needs vary.

Your hot tub is a wonderful addition to your life. Keep it from being a health risk by being careful, smart and diligent about its maintenance.

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