What's the Best Hot Tub

Table of Contents
Why should I buy a Hot Tub?
The Real cost of owning a Hot Tub
Types of Hot Tubs
Hot Tub Electric concerns - 220 vs. 110
Your options: Seats
Your options: Jets
Your options: Filtration and Purification
Your options: Surround
Your options: Cover
Shopping options: Local Dealer
Shopping options: Big Box Retailers
Shopping options: Online
Where to locate your new hot tub
Going to put it on a deck?
Hot tub foundations
What type of buyer are You?
"x" Person Hot Tub
How to shop for a spa
How to insulate a hot tub
How to drain a hot tub
How to clean a hot tub
How to buy a hot tub
How to build a concrete slab
How to treat hot tub rash
How to drain a hot tub with a hose
How to drain a hot tub for winter
How to level a hot tub
How to winterize a hot tub
How much chemical
How to make it work
Pea gravel base
Foam problems?
How to raise PH in your hot tub
How to lower PH in your hot tub
Save on hot tub electric bill
How to fix heavy hot tub cover
How to clean scale off of a hot tub
How high to fill a hot tub
How to fix hot tub HFL errors
How to remove mildew from hot tubs
Best hot tub chemicals?
How to kill staph in a hot tub
Remove jets
How to use the drain plug
Clean hot tub jets
Can I fill my hot tub with soft water?
Clean your filter with Muriatic acid
How to move a hot tub
Clean your filter in the dishwasher?
How to lower alkalinity levels
Reduce hardness of your water
You can repair freeze damage
How to stop hot tub overheating
Balance your chemicals
Support your hot tub on a deck
Can bleach be used in hot tubs?
How to eliminate bacteria
Repair your cracked hot tub
How to prime a hot tub pump
Organic alternatives
Hot tub age restrictions
Mice in your hot tub?
How to make your hot tub smell good
How does a hot tub pump work?
Hot tub health risks?
How to buy a cheap hot tub
Make your own spa defoamer
How to clean spa filter with vinegar
How to sanitize with lithium
Use vitamin C to neutralize chlorine
How to care for an inflatable hot tub
History of hot tub innovations
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Hot Tub Buying Guide

You can repair freeze damage

There are many hot tub users who enjoy their hot tub all year long. They relax and enjoy the hot, soothing waters in all four seasons. There are some tips to keeping your hot tub open during cold, winter months. You must be sure that the water won't freeze. Keep the temperature at or about 100 degrees to insure that even if the power goes out a well insulated tub will stay warm for quite a while. As long as the water is warm and moving your shouldn't have any freeze issues. But if a freeze does occur know that damage can occur in just 24 hours, so be sure to check on your tub daily even if you don't use it daily. If that's not possible, it may be best to winterize. When you do winterize be sure to get all the water out - all of it. Sometimes, an early freeze will catch you unaware. And oh no! You did not winterize your hot tub in time! Or maybe you had a power outage and didn't get to the tub in time. For whatever reason your hot tub has frozen. Now what to do?

Unplug the tub. You want to disconnect it from power to insure your safety as well as prevent any further damage. Now you need to help the thaw process. Adding hot water in increments will help melt the ice. You may also need to chip away at the ice with tools. Be careful not to damage the shell of the tub when doing this. You will need to drain the melted water out while continuing to add hot water. Do this until all the water is in liquid state. Continue to drain the tub then use a wet vac to get all the water out. Open the access to the pipes and pump. If you have a space heater, you may want to use that to help in the thawing of the tub. Be sure to use caution when using a space heater. As the pipes thaw you will want to drain them so that you are able to assess any damage to the hot tub's systems. Open the pump and heater system to allow them to drain. Look for any cracks or leaks while you are doing this. If you caught the freeze quickly it's likely that any damage can be repaired. If the tub has been frozen for many days or weeks, you may be too late and the damage may be extensive.

Once the tub is drained and visually inspect the filter, the area around that filter, the pump and the pipes. You will also want to check the jets and where the jets connect to the pipes. If you don't see any cracks or breaks, go ahead and fill the tub. If you see cracks or breaks, you will need to replace those parts. Often damage occurs at a juncture and that piece can be replaced. You will want to have your manufacturer's instructions nearby or your local spa dealer on speed dial. Replace or repair the damage. Once that is done, fill the tub. Reconnect to power and turn the tub on to be sure that the pump and heater and are working. Now with the tub running, again visually inspect for any leaks or running water to find the source of the leak. If you identify leaks, mark the location of the leak(s), empty the tub for repairs. Repeat until you have a running tub once again.

And remember to do your best to avoid freeze in the future. Be sure your tub is well insulted, have a good-fitting cover that is securely attached and also well insulated and keep the tub running in the cold weather. Be sure to check on your tub. Regular maintenance can be the key to avoiding disaster. Hopefully you caught the freeze before too much damage was done.

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