Hot Tub Buying Guide
How to stop hot tub overheating
You enjoy using your hot tub and love that it is hot, but sometimes it overheats. Most hot tubs are set with an override and will shut off when the temperature reaches a pre-determined high often indicated with an OH. If this happens, you will want to figure out the cause and get the water back to an enjoyable and safe temperature. First, disconnect the tub from power. Check your manufacturer's instructions for their recommended course of action. Call your local spa dealer for advice. Then you can reconnect the tub to power and turn it on. The tub may not run until the water temperature has gone down to a reasonable and safe temperature. You can just wait for it to cool down or you can throw in a garden hose and add some cold water to help that process.
Overheating can have different causes. Low water levels can be a culprit so make sure the water level in your tub is at the recommended depth. Also, make sure your filter is clean. You may have had a power outage and it may have disrupted your tub's programming. If your tub runs well after the water has cooled down from overheating, one of these corrected problems may have been the cause.
The overheating may simply be a result of the climate where you live. If the outside temperature is hot, your tub will not have the chance to cool off when you are finished with your soak. So you may just need to adjust your pump cycles, setting it to run less than usual. You may also want to set your temperature a few degrees less than typical. Direct sunlight may also be the culprit. Your hot tub is well insulated to retain heat and when the sun is beating down on it, that water will warm up very quickly and the cover will keep that heat in the tub not allowing it to escape back into the air. Some well placed landscaping or screening may help with this problem. Do not, however, leave the lid off. This can cause problems with bacteria and debris. as well as being a potential hazard.
Once you have your tub back up and running, keep the temperature at a comfortable and safe level. If, even after trouble shooting, you still have trouble with overheating and the tub shutting down, you may have a faulty sensor or circuit and may need to replace some components.