What's the Best Hot Tub

Table of Contents
Why should I buy a Hot Tub?
The Real cost of owning a Hot Tub
Types of Hot Tubs
Hot Tub Electric concerns - 220 vs. 110
Your options: Seats
Your options: Jets
Your options: Filtration and Purification
Your options: Surround
Your options: Cover
Shopping options: Local Dealer
Shopping options: Big Box Retailers
Shopping options: Online
Where to locate your new hot tub
Going to put it on a deck?
Hot tub foundations
What type of buyer are You?
"x" Person Hot Tub
How to shop for a spa
How to insulate a hot tub
How to drain a hot tub
How to clean a hot tub
How to buy a hot tub
How to build a concrete slab
How to treat hot tub rash
How to drain a hot tub with a hose
How to drain a hot tub for winter
How to level a hot tub
How to winterize a hot tub
How much chemical
How to make it work
Pea gravel base
Foam problems?
How to raise PH in your hot tub
How to lower PH in your hot tub
Save on hot tub electric bill
How to fix heavy hot tub cover
How to clean scale off of a hot tub
How high to fill a hot tub
How to fix hot tub HFL errors
How to remove mildew from hot tubs
Best hot tub chemicals?
How to kill staph in a hot tub
Remove jets
How to use the drain plug
Clean hot tub jets
Can I fill my hot tub with soft water?
Clean your filter with Muriatic acid
How to move a hot tub
Clean your filter in the dishwasher?
How to lower alkalinity levels
Reduce hardness of your water
You can repair freeze damage
How to stop hot tub overheating
Balance your chemicals
Support your hot tub on a deck
Can bleach be used in hot tubs?
How to eliminate bacteria
Repair your cracked hot tub
How to prime a hot tub pump
Organic alternatives
Hot tub age restrictions
Mice in your hot tub?
How to make your hot tub smell good
How does a hot tub pump work?
Hot tub health risks?
How to buy a cheap hot tub
Make your own spa defoamer
How to clean spa filter with vinegar
How to sanitize with lithium
Use vitamin C to neutralize chlorine
How to care for an inflatable hot tub
History of hot tub innovations
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Hot Tub Buying Guide

Your options: Seats

Now we have come to options. The choices are numerous - almost endless. Once you have decided on the type of hot tub, now you'll need to choose within that category. Oh, the possibilities! You can have almost anything your heart and aching muscles desire. But, as always, remember that they come at a cost. You will want to know what you want, what you need and what you can really afford. Hopefully, you'll find that you can have everything that you want and need with some smart shopping.

Number of Seats

Let's think back to why you want to purchase a hot tub in the first place. Relaxation? Stress reliever? Help for your sore back? Entertainment? Now that you remember why, you will be better able to decide on the number of seats you will want for your tub. Also, the number of seats will effect the size of your tub, so you'll need to know where you are going to place the tub and your size restrictions, if any. Be realistic about your seat number choice. You want to really consider how you will most use your spa to get the best tub for you.

Who is using the tub?

If it will just be you and your significant other, consider a 2 person tub. If you do choose to go with a smaller tub, consider that you are limited in your entertaining options. You won't want to host a hot tub party with 10 folks, if only 2 can fit in the tub at a time. However, also consider that you don't want to get a huge tub with lots of seats if all but one night of the year, it will just be you in there relaxing the evening away. Be realistic. Do you often entertain large groups? Do you have a large family who will want to be in the tub enjoying the relaxing water? You may need a larger hot tub able to fit 10 people. Maybe you and your spouse would like to have another couple over for a relaxing evening in the hot tub. So a 4 person tub would be just perfect. Your lifestyle will determine the number of seats you will want in your tub. And obviously, the size of your wallet will be a factor.

Hot tubs come with many seat combinations. You will want to consider the number of people who will be using the tub at the same time, but also layout. How big is the footwell? Will you be sharing a small footwell space with 8 other pairs of feet? How comfortable are you sitting that closely to a party guest dressed in your swim trunks? Is one of the seats a lounger that may provide the function you want, but might hinder larger groups? As you consider seat count, you really have a lot of things to take into consideration.

You will want to choose a seat number, but you will also want to make sure the seats are comfortable. Will the hot tub seats provide the support and comfort that you expect and want and need? Seats are often contoured to provide comfort and support. Will they be comfortable for you? Remember that they will be designed for the average sized person. If you are extremely tall or short, you may find that the seat isn't quite as comfortable for you.

Some spas offer seats with head and neck support. Depending on your own needs, this may be a feature that is a must for you. Headrest may make the spa experience more enjoyable and therapeutic for you.

Seat depth is another consideration. Again, if you are outside of the average range of height, this could be a factor worth considering. Short folks may need to bob up and down to keep above water, while tall ones might be slouchy just to get that hydrotherapy they so desire for their neck and shoulders.

Seat variety, yet another consideration. Spas often have a lounger. Will you use it? Only you can answer that. Loungers take up considerable space that may well be worth the sacrifice if you like to lounge. The relaxation and the jet massage may be exactly what you want and need. Like so much in the hot tub purchase experience, this is highly subjective. Bench seats are easy to move around in and allow you to squeeze more folks in. Individual seats will provide a bit more recline with more jet pressure and maybe even armrests. Some tubs have seats that are raised up so more of your body is exposed to the air to help you cool down. All these choices are available. It's up to you to decide what you want, need and ultimately, what you can afford. The best way to know is to test out the spa. We'll talk more about wet testing.

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