Hot Tub Buying Guide
Foam problems?
Sometimes you may experience foam in your hot tub. There are many things that can contribute to foam. Don't fret, foam is a common enough occurrence and can be dealt with especially if you regularly maintain your hot tub.
There are products on the market that deal with foam and will reduce the bubbling foam. But you will still want to eliminate the cause of the foam, not just clear it away each and every time.
Keeping your water treated properly will help reduce the likelihood of foam. Making sure your pH levels are within a healthy range, that your sanitizer levels are appropriate, that your calcium has been checked and is in an okay range will also help.
The frequency of use as well as the number of people in and out can also contribute to problems with foam. You will want to be sure that your filter cycles are keeping up with the usage your tub receives.
Anything you put on your skin will end up in the hot tub. You know those signs that say please shower before using the pool. Well, those are there to eliminate all the extras that enter the water when you do. Rarely, will you want to shower before you get into your tub, but it is worth noting that anything you apply to your skin can and will affect that water, possibly contributing to the foam problem. So although we don't want to suggest you give up on lotions, shampoos, deodorants, sunscreens or other hygiene products, we will suggest that you don't put them on before you hop on in your tub. Also, your own body and its sweat can add to the trouble. Clearly, you will sweat in a hot tub - it's hot after all. So you want to be sure to maintain the proper chemical levels to minimize any issues you will have.
So if your foam is a probem, there are foam reducing products on the market. You can limit the extras that enter the tub with you. And you can be sure to give your tub a good cleaning or shock it to eliminate the foam.