What's the Best Hot Tub

Hot Tub Review

Manufacturer: Sundance

(Based on 4 reviews)
Avg. Price: $0

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Nov 16, 2005 11:31 am

I have owned several spas in the past, none can compare to the universal job this apparatus can perform. having a community heated swimming pool, this is a perfect filler for having a theroputic appliance out back when it is inconvient to use the developement facilities.

Date Purchased: jan/05
Price Paid: $12
Recommend: Yes
outstanding size and features,the best of the best. for broken bone injuries and old age related problems, there is a jet for every area.

flimsey water diverters, however the replacement policy is liberal for cracked pieces.

Sundance 2005 Maxuus 2005
Nov 15, 2005 12:14 pm

Excellent spa. Lounger, seats, dome, waterfall, ozone, all wonderful. Composite cabinet very good. Jets, heater all good.

Can't think of anything to detract from it.

If you have negative aspects, let me know!

Date Purchased: 9/16/05
Price Paid: $12000
Recommend: Yes
Excellent jets, circulation, heater

None. Perhaps heavy cover.

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