What's the Best Hot Tub

Hot Tub Review

aspen spa
Manufacturer: aspen spas

(Based on 1 reviews)
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aspen spa
Sep 12, 2005 6:23 pm

was looking for a spa and tried every retailer in the St. Louis metro area. Found several that I liked and narrowed it down between the sundance optima and the hot springs grandee. I was ready to purchase and thought I owed it to myself and take a look at a local manufacturer. I stopped in and was really surprised at the quality of customer service that I received. No pressure answered all my questions and was completely honest with me. I had done my homework and had a good idea of what I was looking for. The wife and I wet tested that Saturday and ordered the same day. Come to find out two people that I knew had aspen spas. They didnt know I was looking and hadnt said anything to me about their spas. As soon as I told them was looking they both said how much they loved theier spas and hadnt had any trouble with them since purchase. Once my tub was delivered and set up I had a problem with one of the lights. They were out thenext day and replaced it. The delivery crew gave me great instructions on chemical care and I have had the water get away from me only once. I wasnt going to do this review as most of you will never see one, but for those of you that live in th St. Louis area I would definetly give them a look. Feel free to pm me any questions you have.

Date Purchased: 6/2005
Price Paid: $6400
Recommend: Yes
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