What's the Best Hot Tub

Hot Tub Review

Tiger River
Manufacturer: Walkins Manufacturing

(Based on 4 reviews)
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Tiger River/Bengal
Aug 11, 2004 3:11 pm

All manufacturers have problems once in a while but I have wired hundreds of Hot Spring/Tiger River spas and have rarely seen any major problems. These are great products.

Date Purchased: 1997
Price Paid: $6000
Recommend: Yes
Love this model. It's deep, efficient and mine has been trouble free for years.

Wish I would have purchased it sooner

Like to Repair a Few Leaks??
Apr 7, 2004 12:01 pm

We bought our Bengal new from a local vendor in Oct of 1997, after much research. Initially, we were quite pleased with our purchase. Then, in 2002 the leaks started. We have had this hot tub "fixed" 4 different times. After numerous complaints, Watkins had it shipped to California to "fix" our leak. They would not warrranty their work and now, a year after Watkins serviced it, it leaks more than ever (the 5th leak for a 6 1/2 year unit). This is after the local dealer worked on it FOUR times. I will never buy a hot tub again. The bill for this leak is estimated to be about $1000. A guy in town will pay us $200-400 for the hot tub. If you want to simplify your life, a hot tub may just complicate it. We thought it would be a source of relaxation.

I am very disappointed in Watkins...we complained that we had lost a whole year of hot tubbing (while the hot tub was under warranty) b/c it was going back and forth to the shop/shipped to California on 4 occasions. They did nothing. We told them how the local dealership kept putting us off b/c of "pool season" and stalled the whole process. They did nothing. We complained to the dealer. Nothing accomplished. If an appliance needs to be serviced 3 times w/in the warranty period...it is considered a lemon according to Maytag. Why should consumers have to tolerate such poor service and regard for the customer? Think twice before you add maintenance and headaches to your to do list. Just fill up your bath tub and soak...no noisy jets, no cold walks to the tub. While you are soaking, you can think how nice is was to save $4000, not to mention the fix-it bills, electricity to heat it, etc. Happy soaking in your BATH tub!! :-)

Date Purchased: 10/1997
Price Paid: $4000
Recommend: No
Beautiful tub interior and exterior
Good price point
5 year warranty

Seems very prone to leaks
Watkins has poor customer support
Leak after leak after leak.....

Tiger River Bengal
Jul 25, 2003 10:21 am

This tub is awesome for the price! If you can't afford a Hot Spring but want something made by watkins, the Tiger River is just what your looking for.

Date Purchased: 07/24/02
Price Paid: $5999
Recommend: Yes
Great lounge seat you can sit in it and even have someone sit on the end of your feet. It's a very quiet spa. with the cirulation pump that is SILENT we abosoluetly love it!!! Just the right amount of jets.

it's not the Soveriegn by Hot Spring, but for the price we just had to!

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