What's the Best Hot Tub

Hot Tub Review

Marquis Spa
Model No: 322 E Series
Manufacturer: Marquis Corp.

2-3 person spa with great jets.

(Based on 1 reviews)
Avg. Price: $5000

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Feb 14, 2013 11:10 am

The spa is very nice. The jets are strong and there are a lot of them for the size of the spa. It is easy to operate the system controls once you get the hang of it. Problem...this spa while on the filter mode sounds like a loud burping bag of gas. Not soothing at all. If it was 40 ft. from the house it would not be so irritating. Everytime it comes on we have to turn up the TV or music in the house so we can't here the burping sound!

Date Purchased: 10/24/11
Price Paid: $5000
Recommend: No
It is just the right size for two. The jets are strong and very relaxing while the jets are in operation because you can't here the noise. It would be perfect if it wasn't for all that noise during the filter and heating process.

We have had this spa serviced a number of times now trying to lessen the burping/boiling pot noise at a cost of over $300. It only makes these loud noises when the Ozonator is working properly. The Mozzie injector got clogged a number times and burned out three Del Ozonators. (Only had one year warranty on Ozonator). I keep our spa inpecably clean and why it keeps clogging I don't know neither does the repair guy. I contaced Del Ozone and were kind enough to replace all three Ozonators at no charge...very nice of them. Wayne and Eric at Del told me they should last at least five years or more before replacement or refurbishment. I contacted Marquis Corp. in Beverton, OR, about the loud burping sound and was told some models are very loud and make a considerable amount of noise. When I asked them to help with the problem the customer service representative, Scott, told me what do you want me to do about it. It is just a plumbing problem with some of the models of Marquis Spas. It is still noisy and would like to kick it off the deck. It would be deceint of the retailers of this model of spa were honest and didn't either sell this model or be upfront about the boiling cauldron noise and just not want to make a sale.

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