What's the Best Hot Tub

Hot Tub Review

Cal Spa
Manufacturer: Cal Spas

(Based on 2 reviews)
Avg. Price: $0

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5 years later
Apr 23, 2008 7:20 am

I am averaging $6-800 a year in repairs. Not enough to justify replacing but more that I should be spending.

Don't even talk to me about the jets. I by them 10 at a time and use about 7-10 a year.

Avoid these guys - the only thing worse than their spas is their customer support - just try buying parts! I now by parts and fix it myself.

Date Purchased:
Price Paid: $0
Recommend: No
Still Running

Still Breaking

Avoid this spa
Jun 25, 2003 2:09 pm

I bought this spa and the cabinet was poorly made and ill-fitting from day one.

There was a leak near the heat exchanger that the dealer said "would go away" I had to fix it myself.

They claim that it costs $10/month to run. It costs $30.

The tub is a bit noisy.

The stereo really does not work well - the antenna is pretty bad. They essentially disavow any responsibility for this equipment - even refusing to help direct you to a source for repair parts (bulbs).

The company baits and switches on the warranty. They tout a 5 year warranty - then deliver a 1 year. This is done by only including the 5 year on tubs that are purchased "al-la-carte" with all options made to order. They then price factory "specials" with packages of options MUCH cheaper - you would be nuts to not buy it that way. The specials then only include a one-year warranty.

The tub instructions come with electrical wiring requirements that do not make sense electrically, grossly exceed code and are disavowed by the manufacturers of their control boards. To meet their requirements you need to double the electrical hook-up costs. God forbid something goes wrong - warranty void. (Requirements are for four 6awg connections to the tub including 6awg ground. No cable made that way just the normal 3 6awg conductor and 8awg ground. To meet their requirements you must use four separate conductors AND ENCASE THE ENTIRE RUN IN CONDUIT!!!)

The company and their executives make convienent promises that they do not keep. My dealer stole my money - too bad for me (and 118 others) - the company had known of the problem and done nothing about it (see their letters as presented in court). As I said, too bad - it would have been nice if they helped but my problem.

Then the company promised in writing and to TV consumer advocates to offer tubs for much less than cost to make us whole. They ran us around for a year then screwed us - doing nothing. Their EVP lied.

Their tubs stink. This is not a company or a management team that I want to be involved with - they want your money then they work to void your claims.

Date Purchased: 06/02
Price Paid: $6500
Recommend: No
It is cheap

Poorly made, expensive to run, warranty service poor.

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