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Had my spa 3 weeks and the auxiliary control panel quits working. So I give my dealer a call and it's a known problem. I'm not really worried about them getting it fixed, just don't understand why Watkins would not take care of it before a new spa is delivered. Chas, you'r a HS dealer, can you shead some light on this?
What year are these bad control panels from? Was it a range of years? Reason I'm asking is that I am getting an 2006 Vanguard and want to know if there is a high probability that the control panel will need to be replaced.
I'm on my 3rd aux panel (original plus 2 replacements). Got my Grandee this past August.Thankfully my dealer is awesome and is out the day after I call, and my wife works 5 min from home and can be there when he comes to make the repair. Otherwise, I'd be annoyed about it.-geekd
MyDealer is great, they wil be out tomorrow to replace it.My problem is that the Company failed to disclose the problem. I gave them a call and although nice enough they were pretty closed mouth.Seems to me they would care more about their reputation and customer satisfaction.And yes Dorthy, I know that a company is for profit and likely that the problem. Make you wonder what else they didn't tell you about!
You'd think that they would have replaced it with the upgraded one the very first time it needed replacement.
It all depends on what the nature of the problem was with the part. I'd guess the upgraded version wasn't yet available at that time.
Anyone have an idea what the failure is?