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Author Topic: Let me be the first to say.....  (Read 12143 times)


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Re: Let me be the first to say.....
« Reply #30 on: December 31, 2006, 12:31:47 pm »

I never picked you as a gun owner.  Not that theres anything wrong either way.  I'm just kind of surprised.  Did something happen that after 20 years you feel the need for one?  Just curious.

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Re: Let me be the first to say.....
« Reply #30 on: December 31, 2006, 12:31:47 pm »


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Re: Let me be the first to say.....
« Reply #31 on: December 31, 2006, 12:44:13 pm »
The last gun I owned was a .22 rifle, a Savage Arms bolt-action single shot torunament style, and we did some plinking and target shooting on open land that was near my home. I know I said twenty years ago, but with more thought, I would have to say it is more like thirty. My son and daughter have fun with AirSoft pistols, and both have had firearms safety training through the Royal Rangers - a type of Scouts.

Our store is in a rough neighborhood. Fine during the day, but a bit dodgy if I end up working late, which happens a lot. I also collect rent on some properties, and some of the folks pay cash.

A recent event which will remain private caused me to be in contact with local law enforcement, and they encouraged me, in fact they approved me for a CCW. Or are approving me - it takes a bit of time. So I figured - why not?

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Re: Let me be the first to say.....
« Reply #32 on: December 31, 2006, 02:02:22 pm »
So I figured - why not?

What did I do? ;D


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Re: Let me be the first to say.....
« Reply #33 on: December 31, 2006, 02:31:15 pm »
 ;D good one WHY NOT!  ;D


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Re: Let me be the first to say.....
« Reply #34 on: December 31, 2006, 02:52:04 pm »
OH! I almost forgot the main reason I am thinking about all this -

I have a teenage daughter.

Former HotSpring Dealer - Southern Cal.


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Re: Let me be the first to say.....
« Reply #35 on: December 31, 2006, 03:12:07 pm »
We Canadians just carry hockey sticks... ;D You boys and your guns.... ::) Sheeesh....

I bet 99% of Americans who own a gun would be traumatized for LIFE if they ever had to use it...

Not that I want to get into it, but ask yourself what your motives are? Is it protection or the ability to kill someone "legally" if provoked? If not the latter, why not own a stun gun or something that's not lethal for protection? :-X I guess the assumption is that you can and there's a "coolness" about it too right? Why else do some plaster pics of a variety of guns here and elsewhere? One is considered "tough" by owning a gun right?  ::)

There's no need for guns...there's just a desire to USE IT is all.

Stepping down now... ;)
« Last Edit: December 31, 2006, 03:12:37 pm by Steve »


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Re: Let me be the first to say.....
« Reply #36 on: January 01, 2007, 02:28:21 am »

You have every right to have an opinion like that.

Of course, guns were used in the various battles, revolutions and wars which gave you that right...

Just a thought.

I'm not a big gun guy. I may not even get one. I am just thinking about it, and doing research on types, laws, and all that. I have started the process of obtaining a CCW, but even that does not mean I will buy and it certainly doesn't mean I will pack unless I feel a real need.

But it is nice that we live in a world where people can have such strong feelings about something like this and still get along.

Former HotSpring Dealer - Southern Cal.


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Re: Let me be the first to say.....
« Reply #37 on: January 01, 2007, 07:17:16 am »
I can totally understand the need for a gun for protection as I live in St. Louis. Which has the highest murder rate per capita in the country. I seriously can not tell you the last time I watched the news and didn't see a new murder. Alot of them are gang related but there is also a signicant amount that occur from perpetrators doing a B AND E. Granted I live about 40 miles from downtown but it's still not Leave it to Beaver where I live either. I will be purchasing one to protect myself and my house when I pay the spa off in March.
I however don't think it's neccessary for me to carry concealed unless we start doing rehab tile work downtown again. My dad and uncles did that for years. A couple of times they had absolutely everything stolen out of there van's. I mean they even took the street guides! Another time some thug came walking in and asked to use the bathroom with blood all over his clothes. After that little incident, when they bid a job, they told the contractor they'd do it only if there was a strapped security guard at the door 24/7.


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Re: Let me be the first to say.....
« Reply #38 on: January 01, 2007, 08:23:50 am »
We Canadians just carry hockey sticks... ;D You boys and your guns.... ::) Sheeesh....

I bet 99% of Americans who own a gun would be traumatized for LIFE if they ever had to use it...

Not that I want to get into it, but ask yourself what your motives are? Is it protection or the ability to kill someone "legally" if provoked? If not the latter, why not own a stun gun or something that's not lethal for protection? :-X I guess the assumption is that you can and there's a "coolness" about it too right? Why else do some plaster pics of a variety of guns here and elsewhere? One is considered "tough" by owning a gun right?  ::)

There's no need for guns...there's just a desire to USE IT is all.

Stepping down now... ;)

I'm not surprised that you don't get it.  Most people wouldn't unless you have been in a situation where you thought it was necessary to defend yourself or your family.  You are probably right, that I would be traumatized for life and it is the last thing I ever want to do BUT if it comes down to me or a bad guy, then I want to be on equal fighting ground.  

It has nothing to do with looking cool or tough and it has nothing to do with having ability to kill someone "legally" if provoked.  Unless, you consider an attacker holding a gun to one of your family members head as being provoked, then I guess you are right.

The reason I won't even consider a stun gun or a taser is because you have to be too close to your attacker  in order to use either of those methods.  With a stun gun, you have to actually touch your attacker with the device.  With taser guns, you have to be within 15 feet and you only get once chance to make contact.  

You either understand it or you don't.


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Re: Let me be the first to say.....
« Reply #39 on: January 01, 2007, 09:03:38 am »
Well said Vlady. There is the collection side of it also. I have never lost money on a gun. Its better than putting money in the bank. I wish the US were like England or
Canada. But its not. Wait till your looking down the barrel or someone in your family is hurt. That tends to change or mind. 99% of the time its a deterrent The bad guys pick on those that are without. I know many women that own guns so its not a guy thing.
« Last Edit: January 01, 2007, 09:04:11 am by galen »


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Re: Let me be the first to say.....
« Reply #40 on: January 01, 2007, 09:33:22 am »
I was a federal law enforcement officer for 26 years and carried a firearm from day one until the day I retired - eleven years ago today!  We were trained continuously, both in safety, legal matters and proficiency with both our issued weapon as well as specialty guns.  We had to qualify at a certain proficiency level on a quarterly basis.

Considering this background and training, I think I am qualified in saying that a gun in the wrong hands, be it bad guy or good guy, is worse than no gun at all - in most situations.   And it is precisely in these situations that most citizens find themselvs. Citizens do not have to break down doors, not knowing what is on the other side.  They do not have to seek, find and bring in evil people.  Citizens have to concern themselves with one thing and one thing only - being victims.  In many cases, using one's head and common sense to avoid the possibllity of getting in these situations in the first place is all that is required.

We all know we can not avoid violent crime entirely but we can do things that diminish the possibilty of being victimized.  Don't go into areas known for gangs and gang wars.  Everyone in every town knows where these areas are and if you must go, do it during the day and never at night.  Install security systems in your home with adequate warnings and lighting.  And more often than not, it is far better to walk away in many situations than it is to continue on a course that will lead to a violent confrontatioin.  If someone wants to steal property let them have it.  If your lucky the police might be able to recover it or your insurance will replace it or just write it off.  Trying to stop this by means of force, especially with a gun, can be dangerous to you physically and even if you prevail, often times can place you in legal jeopardy.

A little common sense can go a long way to avoid getting in a position where you need a gun.  For citizens, this need - a REAL, true need that is - is very rare.  Someone posted about the need to possibly defend your family and be on equal footing if someone has a gun pointed at a family member's head.  Do you think you really are on equal footing if you have a gun too?  Even if you have a tank, what do you intend to do with someone holding a gun to your son's head for example?  Are you going to try to find an openning and shoot the guy?  Are you going to threaten him?  Are you going to try to talk him into putting the gun down?  Do you really know the best way to go?  Do you feel you are qualified to assess the entire situation with a calm head and steady nerve?

In those rare situations where there is no choice and you feel you must resort to a gun, you had better have the confidence in your judgement and your marksmanship to pull it out.  This confidence can come only through practice and training and far more is required than most people are willing to give it.  If anyone thinks shooting at bottles in the backyard will prepare you for shooting at a man, think again.  If those factors are lacking and you are not willing to learn your gun thoroughly and practice, practice, practice with it, you are far better off not carrying a weapon at all.


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Re: Let me be the first to say.....
« Reply #41 on: January 01, 2007, 09:55:42 am »
I understand pretty much all sides of this debate (which should PROBABLY now be moved to the 'barely about hottubs' list? ;)  ), but I guess I figure it this way...if the criminals are armed, then why shouldn't the victims be? I'm not saying "give everyone a firearm and let them shoot it out", as that would be foolish. However, there ARE shooting ranges to practice aim. There ARE courses available to help us learn what we have and why we've got 'em. And most of us DO have a conscience that begs us to ask ourselves very seriously:
"If I've got a gun, and someone breaks into my house and threatens my family (with gun, knife, etc), AM I WILLING TO SQUEEZE THE TRIGGER ON HIM/HER?" Until you can seriously answer that with a 'yes', the firearm should be thought of as "recreational use only". If you CAN answer with a 'yes', the next step (if it's not already taken) is to make sure that you take some sort of course by a trained professional, so as to NOT be a hazard to your family, friends and neighbors.
This is kinda like teaching my son about birds and bees....."don't have it until you're financially and embotionally prepared to be a daddy."
Oh, and HAPPY NEW YEAR! (we didn't make the NYE soak last night.....DOH!  >:( )
Oh yeah, the above stuff is all my opinion, and may be disagreed with strongly by some individuals. If it causes you to lose sleep, so sorry, it's just an opinion, not a law (around here, anyhow.....) yet.
« Last Edit: January 01, 2007, 09:56:49 am by Tatooed_Lady »


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Re: Let me be the first to say.....
« Reply #42 on: January 01, 2007, 10:52:30 am »
Let me be the 43rd post to say


And hopefully all the gun lovers will keep the peace for the rest of us...... 8-)
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Re: Let me be the first to say.....
« Reply #43 on: January 01, 2007, 12:27:35 pm »
Not that I want to get into it, but ask yourself what your motives are? Is it protection or the ability to kill someone "legally" if provoked? There's no need for guns...there's just a desire to USE IT is all.

Stepping down now... ;)

The primary reason for anyone carrying a weapon should be to defend their life and/or the life of someone else. That is the law enforcement justification for the application of deadly force. We cannot normally shoot a fleeing felon, but if it is a fleeing felon that is running toward a crowded restaurant with a gun then we can because we can articulate fear for the lives of the people he is heading towards.

Everyones job, socio-economic position, hobbies, etc.. puts them at different levels of risk on a daily basis. Some are not willing to accept the risk without having the ability to defend themselves, with lethal force if necessary. Different strokes, different mindsets, respect each others and it's all good.

The Glock is a very good choice for concealed carry, used one for years when working narcotics (a 27) and carried a model 22 on patrol. As with any gun, practice and proficiency are very important, but moreso with a semi-auto than a revolver as the heavy double action pull of a revolver accounts for a significantly lower number of negligent discharges.

I got to ring in the new year in the hot tub, and left my gun on the nightstand.


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Re: Let me be the first to say.....
« Reply #44 on: January 01, 2007, 12:33:56 pm »
Shortspark, that was really, really well said, and your perspective as one who HAS had to be prepared to use a weapon is valuable. Personally, I dont think anyone should be allowed to own a firearm without first significant training and licensing of some sort, proof of appropriate storage for that weapon, and continuing training and relicensing.  
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Re: Let me be the first to say.....
« Reply #44 on: January 01, 2007, 12:33:56 pm »


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