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Drew,Wouldn't all gifts containing alcohol count? G
What cigars are in that sampler? I order a lot from Thompson's and am curious to what one you got. They have a lot of house brand samplers as well as packages with premium cigars too. I got mostly gift cards to Home Depot, which is A-OK by me.
Looking at their website, I think she got me the Thompson  All Star sampler. I'm curioius to try the Iquana's and the Tuskers.  I've got a ton of cigars, I'm still working on the Gold Medal Sampler she got me a awhile ago...  I'm not a huge cigar buff, but everyonce and a while, espically at the Poker nights, I like em. http://www.thompsoncigar.com/default.aspx?sid=cey2voi0lxozkk45qcmye055&uid=52&CategoryID=Thompson+Samplers&page=pattern