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Author Topic: Stars?  Gazebo?  Mosquitos?  Ideas welcomed  (Read 21377 times)


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Stars?  Gazebo?  Mosquitos?  Ideas welcomed
« on: June 20, 2006, 03:10:41 pm »
Hi all,
I've been using my tub for the last 3 weeks and am loving it.  My question to all the hot tub experts here is, what are the different ways you escape the elements (when need be)?

I love having the tub out in the open under the stars (thanks to all those who urged me to try it first), which is really making me rack my brain for ideas on how to move forward for the future.  It's really not that much fun to go in the tub when it's raining hard (personal opinion).  The options I see there are an umbrella or a removable screenhouse/gazebo.  The second option would also solve the mosquito issue, they haven't really bothered me in the tub but once you get out they are annoying.  However, the gazebo would also obscure the night view since I'd probably have to leave it up for the summer.

The winter has its own set of problems.  Right now, the shrubs shield me from the neighbors nicely, but come fall/winter the patio is exposed for all the world to see.  This means I'll need either a fence or a more permanent structure that provides privacy and can be left up year round (like a wooden gazebo enclosure).  The gazebo means I'd lose the view, but it would provide privacy and also provide a nice little haven in the wintertime.  (I'm not sure how often I'll use the tub if it's exposed when it's like 10 degrees or less and blowing 40 mph winds.  Maybe my northern neighbors can comment?)

Happy to hear any advice you might have.  


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Stars?  Gazebo?  Mosquitos?  Ideas welcomed
« on: June 20, 2006, 03:10:41 pm »


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Re: Stars?  Gazebo?  Mosquitos?  Ideas welcomed
« Reply #1 on: June 20, 2006, 03:59:49 pm »
We got our tub on Oct. 7 last year and it rained the day it was installed.  We quickly learned the best way to deal with rain is a Tilley hat.  Only your head is sticking out of the water, and the hat keeps the rain off your head.  To keep our robes dry when it rains, we have one of those large Rubbermaid tubs and we just drop the robes in there.  You get rained on inbetween, but it doesn't bother us.  We have even been out in freezing rain!  (We live near Ottawa, ON).

As for mosquitos, we use mosquito head nets (see Lee Valley Tools).  We just go in out quickly to avoid getting bitten.

As for wind, we are lucky because of the trees we planted many years ago are now providing a nice wind break.  The cover opens on the west side of the tub (we had it set up like that) to block the prvailing west winds.

As far as winter is concerned, we see no problems, having come through one.  We love tubbing more in the winter than any other time.  The worse the weather, the better we like it.  If it's windy & cold, we wear ear muffs.  

We're not as fond of hot weather tubbing, but we do it anyway.  I especially like it after a run in the morning.  It loosens me up for my stretches.

We live in the country and have not close neighbours on either side and the aformentioned trees provide privacy from the road.  I would leave it uncovered for a year to see how you like it before investing in an expensive gazebo.  I would fence the thing before I would cover it up.  

Wait until it's really cold out, it's the best!



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Re: Stars?  Gazebo?  Mosquitos?  Ideas welcomed
« Reply #2 on: June 20, 2006, 04:31:41 pm »
As far as mosquitoes, we like tiki torches with citronella oil, gives the tub area a nice tropical feel and keeps the biters away if its somewhat calm out.  

To make it easy to put the torches out and take them down for grass cutting I got some 1.5" diameter pvc conduit and cut into 12" lengths and hammered them into the ground around the tub just above ground level but below grass level so we have solid spots in which to place the torches, and I can take the torches out and mow right over the "receptacles".


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Re: Stars?  Gazebo?  Mosquitos?  Ideas welcomed
« Reply #3 on: June 20, 2006, 04:38:14 pm »
If I had to do it again and budget WASN'T an issue, I'd do this:

Build a gazebo like structure, say 12'x14', that has the tub on one end. Use 6"x6s" for post and beams, finish them nice. Keep the tub on a slab, but build a platform deck structure around the tub to mount the gazebo. Finish the interior wood nice and consider Cedar for the trim.

For the roof, do a post and beam roof, flat board finished interior. Make the interior open, all the way to the top. Again, trim with Cedar.  Use a 12/12 or 12/10 pitch on the roof to give height, peak it down the long dimension center. Install a large cupola with vented windows over the spa portion of the roof, say 6'x6', so when you look up you can see sky. The windows can open to vent or be closed during rain. Use Cedar shakes for the shingles.

For the walls, hand build heavy-duty frames, say 3.5' wide on the sides and 3' wide on the tub end, mount them to the deck and roof support structures. Custom build tempered glass and screen insert frames that mount inside of the wall frames. During the summer, use the screens. During the winter, use the glass. During parties or when no bugs are around, take them both out. On the entrance end, build one frame into a door-like structure with the same properties.  Inside and above the frames, mount match stick blinds, custom cut to your dimensions. Lower when needed.

Just for the heck of it, keep the long ends of the roof vertical (gable-end).  Instead of getting the $2,000 "pop-up" screen option in the spa, mount a 42" plasma with a nice surround sound system (weather proof Bose speakers, of course) on the roof end interior wall away from the tub (about the same $, but a LOT more BANG!). Don't forget to tilt it down slightly so you can see it (oh yeah, run cable and power). Put a ledge with your favorite knick-knacks or plants on the other end. Get a fridge in one of the corners as well, also a couple of chairs. Mount one of those new small wood stoves near a side wall, using a removable stack pipe and cap so you can take the entire thing out and store it during the summer. Stoke it up during the winter (ahhhh, warmth!).

Mount some halogen and mood lights on the inside of this room, just to make it cozy.

OK, so it's a little out there, BUT, if I had the room right now, I'd BUILD it!

You DID ask....


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Re: Stars?  Gazebo?  Mosquitos?  Ideas welcomed
« Reply #4 on: June 20, 2006, 04:54:58 pm »
For bugs there are screens and nothing else works as well.  My tub is inside a screened in patio.  No bugs, and the sky is open at night.  I have been thinking about a spa umbrella because rain sucks, and here in Florida the hot sun sucks for tubbing too.  An umbrella folds down and can even be put away if necessary, which addresses the wind problem.  Florida has some wind like California has some earth tremors.  Anyway, if I lived up north, I'd move south, which is what I did years ago.  Snow and ice and stuff are not for me.  The Tilley hat is not so great down here either because it is too hot for them.  I know because I have one.

In the end, if I were in your shoes, I think a compromise might be a gazebo that can be screened in during the hot months, and then windowed in the cold months.  Galousie windows maybe?  You would lose the stars overhead, but should be able to make due with the windows for star gazing.





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Re: Stars?  Gazebo?  Mosquitos?  Ideas welcomed
« Reply #5 on: June 20, 2006, 05:17:31 pm »
Our tub is under our deck and we have plenty of room to view the stars and moon even though directly overhead is covered . . . remember you're sitting on the ground practically.

One thing we are not bothered by in PA is mosquitos but we plan to buy some outdoor bamboo roll up screens to install under the deck to roll down when the weather gets cold.  Will hopefully keep some of the warmth in but we will be able to open them up if we want to look at the snow!   :o

As far as mosquitoes, we like tiki torches with citronella oil, gives the tub area a nice tropical feel and keeps the biters away if its somewhat calm out.  
To make it easy to put the torches out and take them down for grass cutting I got some 1.5" diameter pvc conduit and cut into 12" lengths and hammered them into the ground around the tub just above ground level but below grass level so we have solid spots in which to place the torches, and I can take the torches out and mow right over the "receptacles".

We have the tiki torches, too.  Great idea, Lion.  ::)
'06 Majesta

obi wan

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Re: Stars?  Gazebo?  Mosquitos?  Ideas welcomed
« Reply #6 on: June 20, 2006, 10:29:28 pm »
we tryed ours for the first few months wide open. then as summer approached, we put up a metel gazebo with skeeto netting (major bugs here in va beach) from home depot (the 10x12' that goes over a table). it was less than 300 bucks. we have had it up for about 10 months. as we have neighbors very close, i hung bamboo stick blinds on 2 sides for privacy. the top comes right off in the fall so you can see the stars and night sky. this experiment has shown us we do want some sort of enclosure. as we are adding onto the house in 2 months, we are going to add a pergola to the list. saw a cool idea on hgtv.
screened in pergola with tracks on the bottom of the beams that have sliding canvas panels that are sort of like a roman shade hung horizontally. end result is you get pretty good sky view in good weather, and if it rains, you "pull the blinds" and get sheilded from the rain.
will post some pics when its done........

In Canada eh

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Re: Stars?  Gazebo?  Mosquitos?  Ideas welcomed
« Reply #7 on: June 20, 2006, 11:19:35 pm »

Awsome!!!! it sounds as though you've put some thought into it. That is IF you had to do it again
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Re: Stars?  Gazebo?  Mosquitos?  Ideas welcomed
« Reply #8 on: June 21, 2006, 08:16:45 am »

Awsome!!!! it sounds as though you've put some thought into it. That is IF you had to do it again

Yep, and sooner or later I will.

I got the idea from a friend up in NJ who lives in a house on a narrow lot. He built a similar structure in his back yard using standard framing and T-111, with the glass and screen frames I described (he used Lexan instead of glass). In his case, he doesn't have a tub, he just uses it as a MAN room. He's got couches, chairs, a bar, fridge, 2 TVs (one in each corner) and surround sound. He's also got a wood stove mounted on one wall and a dog door in the back.

It was one of the most comfortable rooms I've ever been in. His is about 16x16.

I'll get some pictures next time I'm up there...


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Re: Stars?  Gazebo?  Mosquitos?  Ideas welcomed
« Reply #9 on: June 21, 2006, 09:07:59 am »
Along the lines of Obi Wan, we bought one of those metal frame/ canvas covered gazebo things that everyone from target to walmart has been pushing the last few years.  
We bought last year before we thought about a tub but since we got the tub I've been thinking about putting the gazebo around it.  It's a 10'x10' gazebo, tub's 7.5'x7.5' so it will allow movement around the tub perimeter.
I think the benefits are that if its spring or fall you can leave the side panels off if you want, when it turns hot and buggy it has mosquito net all around.  Plus you can put the canvas top on for shade during the day and take it off at night to see the stars.  I'm looking into mosquito net for the top.
Also, the metal frame supports in the corners are somewhat ornamental such that you can hang towels and/or robes on them.
I don't know about leaving the gazebo up in the winter since snow up here can be heavy but it's easy enough to take down.


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Re: Stars?  Gazebo?  Mosquitos?  Ideas welcomed
« Reply #10 on: June 21, 2006, 09:33:05 am »
Hi all,
 (I'm not sure how often I'll use the tub if it's exposed when it's like 10 degrees or less and blowing 40 mph winds.  Maybe my northern neighbors can comment?)

Happy to hear any advice you might have.  


The wind is the key far more than the actual temp. We have had wonderful relaxing soaks at 4F  in a 104 degree tub when there was no wind, and have been way too cold at 35 with a strong wind.

At 104, I am plenty warm getting out of the tub, getting my robe on, dumping some dichlor, closing the lid and getting inside before I get cold.
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Re: Stars?  Gazebo?  Mosquitos?  Ideas welcomed
« Reply #11 on: June 21, 2006, 09:34:42 am »
Galousie windows maybe?  You would lose the stars overhead, but should be able to make due with the windows for star gazing.



I would think hot tubs inside and windows would make steam and make seeing out hard to do.
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Re: Stars?  Gazebo?  Mosquitos?  Ideas welcomed
« Reply #12 on: June 21, 2006, 09:36:21 am »
.  We have even been out in freezing rain!  (We live near Ottawa, ON).

We were out in a light rain last night, but I have to wonder with you being in Ottawa, how the rain affects your PH since we here in Ohio send you all of that acid rain.
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Re: Stars?  Gazebo?  Mosquitos?  Ideas welcomed
« Reply #13 on: June 21, 2006, 08:31:28 pm »
Have seen pictures here in the past of a structure with a sliding top. Can't find it at the moment and I know they are expensive but one possible option.
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« Last Edit: June 22, 2006, 07:24:13 am by Zep »

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Re: Stars?  Gazebo?  Mosquitos?  Ideas welcomed
« Reply #14 on: June 21, 2006, 10:27:44 pm »


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