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Author Topic: Cameo vs Optima  (Read 3359 times)


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Cameo vs Optima
« on: June 21, 2006, 01:08:56 am »
Thanks for all the great feed back. Now the good news I'm going with a sundance, now I need everyones help, this could develop into a he wants she wants issue. ???

I'm steering towards an optima, my wife wants a lounger-Cameo.  Ballance in life is everything and my wife is a rock star...so what do you do :-/

Would love to hear from the group those with loungers are you still in love with them or do wish for more space and additional seats / jet options.  Those w/o loungers did you ever wish you could open a cold one and just float in a lounger??

last but not least have you heard of any quality differences between the optima vs cameo

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Cameo vs Optima
« on: June 21, 2006, 01:08:56 am »


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Re: Cameo vs Optima
« Reply #1 on: June 21, 2006, 07:12:42 am »
How many people are in your family or will soak regularly?

Right now, there are 3 of us, perhaps 2 sometime soon. We bought  a 6 person tub and sometimes the lounger doesn't get used, sometimes it does, but its always there.
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Re: Cameo vs Optima
« Reply #2 on: June 21, 2006, 07:30:56 am »
Waterman, I have a Marquis Epic. It is a large enough tub to accomodate my family of 4 even if no one used the lounger. Like your wife, I wanted the lounger but that was because I liked the placement of the jets. I wanted therapy for my calves and thighs and feet.  You should also let your wife wet tests the lounge tub long enough to be sure she doesn't float out of it and defeat the entire purpose.  After 6 months with our Epic, my husband OWNS the lounger...he took it over, but I happily moved to another seat that I enjoy even more. When I want that extra massage for my legs, of course I will go to the lounger, but it is really funny how you find what suits you best after having the tub for a while.
I think the lounge makes the tub more versatile....and who knows, it may become your favorite seat!
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Re: Cameo vs Optima
« Reply #3 on: June 21, 2006, 08:16:22 am »
I own a 2003 Optmia.  I don't believe there are any know quality differences between the Optima and Cameo- it boils down to your choice of lounger vs a little more passenger room.
We didn't care for the lounger so we went with the Optima.  I suggest you try both- it's really the only way you'll know for sure.

I don't know if it matters, but from what I've gathered just from reading posts on this board for the past few years, that a lot (not all or even most) of those who get loungers aren't all that thrilled with them after time passes, and many don't get a lounger if they get a new spa.  But there are those who absolutely love them.  

If you are really divided on the issue, get the lounger, and tally yourself a few points for giving in.  And use that some day in the future when you want something.
"Gee honey, remember when we got the lounger and I didn't really want it?  Now it's my turn......"

You won't regret either choice.  


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Re: Cameo vs Optima
« Reply #4 on: June 21, 2006, 08:49:57 am »
When we bought our Optima 2 years ago we went in to wet test the Cameo as we thought we wanted the lounger.  It seemed every lounger we tried didn't fit right.  The salesman suggested we try the Optima and it was the perfect fit for us.  If there's any way you can wet test both you'll know which one is right for you.  
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Re: Cameo vs Optima
« Reply #5 on: June 21, 2006, 10:41:50 am »
The lounger must be great - I've not been able to get my better half out of it so I can try it  ::)


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Re: Cameo vs Optima
« Reply #6 on: June 21, 2006, 11:41:49 am »
The Optima and Cameo are the exact same tub with different shells. No quality differences. Both awesome.

As far as lounger/ no lounger.................wet test.
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Re: Cameo vs Optima
« Reply #7 on: June 27, 2006, 11:55:59 pm »
We've had many people with the same issues.
Some have moved up to the Maxxus and solved the debate with an extra bit of investment. Worth it IMHO.
Glenn Wagner
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Re: Cameo vs Optima
« Reply #8 on: June 28, 2006, 12:41:13 am »
waterman, you need to wet test. The lounger might appeal to your wife until she tries it out wet. The Cameo lounger is fairly large. Not all women are tall enough for the Cameo lounger. Some women prefer the Altamar lounger.

I started out not wanting a lounger but purchased an HS Envoy in the end. The lounger is my favorite seat in the house. I spend 80% of my time in the lounger but it doesn't fit anybody else in the family. Wet test my friend.
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Re: Cameo vs Optima
« Reply #9 on: June 28, 2006, 09:13:47 am »
I had an Optima for about 7 years. The shell has not changed much over the years. The two main seats, the ones with the most jets, are very comfortable and easy to relax in. In that regard, I do not think a lounger adds alot. That being said, I just bought a new tub (an Artesian Captiva, a real nice mid-size tub) and as part of the process I wet tested a Cameo. The lounger is very nice. I am short and could not brace my feet on anything, but did not float at all. However, the foot jets on the lounger were worthless for me because I could not reach them. With a lounger, wet testing is extra critical because you can float in alot of them. For example, with the Sundance Palermo, I could not stay down in it for ten seconds. For me, it was real bad. So wet test the Cameo. If the lounger works for you and you want a lounger, buy it. But the Optima is a classic design that you cannot go wrong with.  


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Re: Cameo vs Optima
« Reply #10 on: June 28, 2006, 10:08:13 am »
We didn't get a sundance, but we bought a Caldera Tahitian that has a lounger.  Smaller tub, both me and the wife fit in it, most popular seat, even when we have five to six people in there or just two.  Good luck with the decision and happy tubbing.

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Re: Cameo vs Optima
« Reply #10 on: June 28, 2006, 10:08:13 am »


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