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How often should the filter be cleaned? How do you clean the filters?Is there a difference between cleaning the filters and rinsing them off?
Hey all,I'm pretty new to the spa world and I have a Tiger River Sumaltran... Also, any good places to purchase them?Buzz
The thing should last for two or three years. More if you clean it with a filter cleaner once a year, maybe twice.
The Unicel filter I have (at the moment) supposedly can be washed/rinsed a "few times" but is recommended to be tossed out and replaced after 2 tub fills, or 6-8 months.
Anne, I think that recommendation is probably coming from Unicel, the people who make the filters and want you to keep buying them. That filter should last you 2-4 years. It shouldn't be thought of as a disposable filter and there is no need to toss them away after 2 refills as you'll just be tossing $$ away if you do so.