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Be nice ya'll. The girls read these threads and are both very nice young women who do a good job for us. They are both very attractive.Terminator
I'm guessing the tongue dingler is for some type of immoral carnal activity? I find that somewhat out of character as I believe both girls are of a pure nature, though Tammy does have a child.Am I on the right track?Terminator
I was not very enamored with their bathing suits this time around. I felt that they were slightly matronly. We'll work on that. Terminator
so I might start going to some of the parties, if I can stay up that late.Terminator
Now YOU'RE sounding like the old folks at those Senior home shows you were whining about. Get out of your Craftmatic adjustable bed and live it up a little!!!
I gotta say that Tara does it for me more so than Tammy.
I love this site .... In one post I get to hear stuart complain about the customers he paid to get to talk to(show fees moving spas ect.) how he hates the uninformed consumer, his weekend sucked, had to answer questions about where his spa is made.ect. ect. ect. he is very entertaining. Then the next post is pretty girls in swimsuits posted by a guy who loves his job and has answered all the same questions uninformed customers ask and is a happy person. Keep up the good work Term. Keep up the complaints stuart. Both of you are showing your colors as dealers.
What happened to Hannah?