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The tech came out early today to look at my Spa.He looked at the LCD display and saw it said 76 degrees.Put his hand into the Spa and ir felt warmer,so he put a  Temperture Guage into the water and it said 85 degress.So the tech said that there are two Temp sensors in the Jacuzzi,and took one out and  he shows me that the spa is running good now,whith out the FLO on....I had him also put in a FLO swtch just in case if thats not the problem......The tech told me why I might have got the ---(watchdog}Because maybe in the Display it said 101 degress but with the Bad temp sensor and really the spa could have been at 108 degress and thats why the Watchdog went on......Everything is working well and glad I asked him to put the FLO switch in anyway.....Guess the $90 service call was worth it..........JohnnyT