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"1/4" foil-foam-foil insulation roll with a R-14 value"Vinny, rememner that phrase about reading and believing? ...
Vinny,I would not recommend adding insulation or foil to your equipment door area. Your equipment needs to breathe. If you insulate that area, you run the risk of your pump motor getting hot and going off on over load. Tp Spas have to have foil or foam on their cabinet because they are so poorly insulated on the shell. The foil or foam on the cabinet trys to keep heat in produced by the motors. With the lack of insulation on a TP Spa, they absolutely need the heat from the motors. Your full foam spa equipment area needs to breathe. Remember, your main pumps in the front door area of you Grand Cayman, are constantly getting warm water circulated through them, coming from the tube from the circ pump. So all of you components are being kept warm internally and yet the pumps are still able to breathe with fresh air in the compartment, which is far better for the equipment to be kept cool, instead of running hot all the time. Past the equipment chamber, your entire spa is protected 100% with full foam. Forget the aluminum foil, keep it in the kitchen. Dave.
Doc, that's your specialty, I thought it sounded "a little" high!