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Author Topic: The Great Pool and Spa Show  (Read 39857 times)


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Re: The Great Pool and Spa Show
« Reply #45 on: May 16, 2005, 10:52:34 pm »
I met the "National Sales Director" from Master at one of these "Spa shows" when it was here in Charlotte, NC nearly a year ago.  I asked him why he tries to get $13K for a spa when you can get comprably equiped spas from other mfgs for $8-9K.  His response was "If someone can spend $13K, why not take as much $'s as you can out of them? Why would you WANT to sell them a $8K spa?"  In reality....He was not in touch with it.  This discussion happened after I had already talked with a sales rep who brought this guy in to "influence" me on how great their products were and AFTER I told him that I had been considering opening up a spa store and have been "dissapointed" that I had missed a chance at reping their line (as a new dealer picked them up and had in fact participated in the show).  In short, the local store owner here in Charlotte may be a great guy but the Director of sales was "Scum of the earth sleezy" sales IMHO.
...The gene pool could use a little chlorine....

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Re: The Great Pool and Spa Show
« Reply #45 on: May 16, 2005, 10:52:34 pm »


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Re: The Great Pool and Spa Show
« Reply #46 on: May 17, 2005, 06:57:15 am »
Let the buyer BEWARE!


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Re: The Great Pool and Spa Show
« Reply #47 on: May 17, 2005, 09:18:38 am »
"the Director of sales was "Scum of the earth sleezy" sales IMHO."

So then, you met Tim B. who was mentioned earlier.  He has the charisma of a serpent.


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Re: The Great Pool and Spa Show
« Reply #48 on: May 17, 2005, 11:48:51 am »
"the Director of sales was "Scum of the earth sleezy" sales IMHO."

So then, you met Tim B. who was mentioned earlier.  He has the charisma of a serpent.

Ouch J., that's a low blow to reptiles everywhere. ;D


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Re: The Great Pool and Spa Show
« Reply #49 on: May 17, 2005, 12:08:18 pm »
...(as a new dealer picked them up and had in fact participated in the show).  In short, the local store owner here in Charlotte may be a great guy but the Director of sales was "Scum of the earth sleezy" sales IMHO.

So it looks like, at least in this case, the local MS dealers are not threatened by this....only other brands' dealers are threatened?  Maybe the MS local dealers even like it?  I guess one mans scum is another man's chum.....
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Re: The Great Pool and Spa Show
« Reply #50 on: May 17, 2005, 12:17:49 pm »
Talk to any of the local MS dealers who don't participate in these shows ( which are the vast majority} and listen to their reactions about the shows. See how they feel about them dumping sales in to their territories and making false claims about the local dealers responsability to deliver and service them. You couldn't print those MS dealers reactions on this site w/o heavy censorship.
« Last Edit: May 17, 2005, 12:40:22 pm by mowgli1 »


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Re: The Great Pool and Spa Show
« Reply #51 on: May 17, 2005, 12:41:36 pm »
So it looks like, at least in this case, the local MS dealers are not threatened by this....only other brands' dealers are

threatened?  Maybe the MS local dealers even like it?  I guess one mans scum is another man's chum.....

That was kinda what I was thinking

Not saying its right,    just ..........................


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Re: The Great Pool and Spa Show
« Reply #52 on: May 17, 2005, 12:45:14 pm »
Talk to any of the local MS dealers who don't participate in these shows ( which are the vast majority} and listen to their reactions about the shows. See how they feel about them dumping sales in to their territories and making false claims about the local dealers responsability to deliver and service them. You couldn't print those MS dealers reactions on this site w/o heavy censorship.

Ya know what I dont understand and hve seen this before .
Why does the dealer feel he should NOT have to /or does not want to service the spa? If the spa is under warranty they get paid by the manufacturer to repair and or replace the faulty parts True? What seems to be the problem?


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Re: The Great Pool and Spa Show
« Reply #53 on: May 17, 2005, 01:02:28 pm »
So it looks like, at least in this case, the local MS dealers are not threatened by this....only other brands' dealers are threatened?  Maybe the MS local dealers even like it?  I guess one mans scum is another man's chum.....


I know you very much like your tub....but your instance on trying find some favorable way to spin what they do....You are really reaching...I will share 2 things one it was out of respect for you and Drifter that I did not bring their name in the start of this post and secondly because of our discussion a couple of months back was the reason I went to the show ....To try and see it in a different light ....This was my 3rd time attending the show and it will be my last as .....It confirmed to me all I thought of them and actually took it to another level for reasons I will not mention but lets just say the Police were discussed .... You can say another mans scum is another chum.....and I guess if you are bottom feeding crab or catfish yeah that might work.....but none the less its for bottom feeders ... All I am trying to understand is how...with what seems to be the most consistently mentioned thing here on this board and that is dealers inconsistently and lack of integrity...do you not see that this is simply wrong.. ..And this is something that casts a bad light on all dealers as we get lumped together and it leaves a bad taste on many a consumers mouth ....When you say threaten its not by the product or the price it is  the deceitfulness that we can not compete with .....
« Last Edit: May 17, 2005, 01:34:17 pm by Mendocino101 »


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Re: The Great Pool and Spa Show
« Reply #54 on: May 17, 2005, 01:08:48 pm »

That was kinda what I was thinking

Not saying its right,    just ..........................

What the manufactures pays in some cases do not cover the full cost of doing service to the dealer ....Also if you are busy and putting off taking care of the folks you have sold because you are out servicing those you did not...than its a problem ....but the biggest reasons is its cost ....You get paid only for one trip and if it takes 2 or 3 you are responsible to fix the problem....You will be reimbursed all part costs but it is the labor that you lose on ....


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Re: The Great Pool and Spa Show
« Reply #55 on: May 17, 2005, 01:09:44 pm »

Ya know what I dont understand and hve seen this before .
Why does the dealer feel he should NOT have to /or does not want to service the spa? If the spa is under warranty they get paid by the manufacturer to repair and or replace the faulty parts True? What seems to be the problem?

The truth of the matter is the payment rate to the dealer from the manufacturer (it varies by manufacturer) for servicing a spa under warranty is certainly less than what a customer pays directly when their spa is not under warranty. Dealers aren't making a lot of money (some will say none) on warranty servicewhen you factor in all their costs. However, they know this when they sell the spa and part of the sales profits cover customer service whether it's a spa orientation, calls for help, etc. However, if its not their spa sale they're not too happy with having to take over the warranty service and customer service as someone else got the sales profits and they have to then be there to carry the ball after that.
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Re: The Great Pool and Spa Show
« Reply #56 on: May 17, 2005, 02:07:38 pm »

I know you very much like your tub....but your instance on trying find some favorable way to spin what they do....You are really reaching...I will share 2 things one it was out of respect for you and Drifter that I did not bring their name in the start of this post and secondly because of our discussion a couple of months back was the reason I went to the show ....To try and see it in a different light ....This was my 3rd time attending the show and it will be my last as .....It confirmed to me all I thought of them and actually took it to another level for reasons I will not mention but lets just say the Police were discussed .... You can say another mans scum is another chum.....and I guess if you are bottom feeding crab or catfish yeah that might work.....but none the less its for bottom feeders ... All I am trying to understand is how...with what seems to be the most consistently mentioned thing here on this board and that is dealers inconsistently and lack of integrity...do you not see that this is simply wrong.. ..And this is something that casts a bad light on all dealers as we get lumped together and it leaves a bad taste on many a consumers mouth ....When you say threaten its not by the product or the price it is  the deceitfulness that we can not compete with .....

Well, Mendo, I guess you didn't read the first of my posts in this thread....shame.....

Let's see if you can accept this positive spin....

Once subjected to it, either consumers will be turned off to MS by this type of marketing thereby taking MS out of the consumers' consideration (a good thing for you, BTW).  Or consumers will purchase and, if they "fall" for this tactic, you probably wouldn't want them as clients anyway.  My point is this....you don't have to service their tubs so I don't understand why you and others are so vehement about it......fuggetaboutit.....the more you worry about it, the greater the satisfaction to the "scum".  Your points are very transparent.....dealers who don't sell MS are upset....dealers who do sell MS and are upset should change brands.....otherwise, continue feeding the flames if you wish.....

And, BTW, why did it take you 3 visits to figure all this out?
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Re: The Great Pool and Spa Show
« Reply #57 on: May 17, 2005, 02:17:21 pm »

And, BTW, why did it take you 3 visits to figure all this out?

I guess....I am just very very slow......Or I was trying to be fair and objective .....maybe both... ::)


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Re: The Great Pool and Spa Show
« Reply #58 on: May 17, 2005, 03:49:42 pm »
Windsurf and all others,

We are not slammin the goods, it is the unethical tactics of selling spas and if you will allow me, ripping people off, even the MS dealers are offended, and no they won't service what the show guys sell because the show guys reap the $$$$ and dump the goods into the marketing zone.  It works great for the manufaturer.

The unfortunate part of this story is that they have been doing this dog and pony show for more than 4 years and they have done a lot of consumer damage to our shoppers and our industry, so thus WE DON"T LIKE WHAT IT DOES and the bad taste it leaves in the mind of the consumer.  You have heard it from other consumers not only dealers >:( >:(

If you can not read in between the lines, we the dealers are the ones most affected, including some legitimate MS dealers who don't like it either.  What can they do, other than close their business in protest IF the manufacturer allows these "sales" to continue.  BTW they love the production numbers.


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Re: The Great Pool and Spa Show
« Reply #59 on: May 17, 2005, 03:58:13 pm »
From a marketing standpoint only, I think it is a pretty savvy idea.  Most consumers are under the assumption that all spas are "jacuzzis" anyway and one's as good as another.  Many consumers are also under the impression that they will get a better deal at an off-site event than in the store.  This combination of traits is, I believe, prevalent in the majority of people looking to buy a spa.  This is who they are targeting.

More power to them if it helps them sell spas.  You can't make someone buy something they don't want.  Obviously, these customers are looking to buy and Master Spa is finding a way to sell it to them.  Time will tell whether the consumers are happy with their purchase.

I am not a high pressure salesperson.  I could never do what it sounds like these guys and some other spa manufacturers do to sell their products.  I could never engage in half-truths and exagerrations in order to force someone's hand in buying my spa (I am a consumer as well and absolutely loathe dealing with a slick talking car salesman type).

I'm extremely grateful that I represent a company who has made it to the top of the industry by selling the product on such things as quality, service, performance, enjoyment, and support after the sale.  I can walk down the streets where I work and live and not have to turn the other way because I see a disgruntled customer coming my way.  I make customers for life.  Those are the one's I want.

Just layin' low and chucklin' in my stomach wif' da fidgets...

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Re: The Great Pool and Spa Show
« Reply #59 on: May 17, 2005, 03:58:13 pm »


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