Hello Everyone- earlier this year i was a frequent lurker and asked a few questions from all of you about the tubs my wife and i were looking at which were jacuzzi, hot springs, marquis, artisan & coleman.
Well after lots of wet testing and research we finally made our decision. Before i tell you what we bought, I'll tell you it was a very tough choice. We came down to the final 2 that we liked the best from size/fit, etc and that was the jacuzzi 385 and artisan dove canyon. Ultimately we decided on the dove canyon due mainly to individual seat controls and our comfort with the dealer (on the 3rd wet test with jacuzzi, the sales person started making snide remarks, whereas the artisan dealer was very welcoming and not pushy.)
Ultimately we definately made the right decision as its been 5 months of happy tubbing for us and not one issue or problem (knock on wood) with the tub. It took me a couple months to nail down my chemical routine and even with that, the water remained been crystal clear at all times.
So thanks everyone and now I need to go jump in the tub!