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Oh come on, guys didn't you know that he's the world formost authority on spas?...(some actual quotes from the lunatic) :"I am sure by now that you must know that debating spas engineering with me is not a good thing to do."
'I went to college at night and had many nights where I didn't sleep much, studying for tests and deeply involved in electronics, mathematics and engineering subjects.""That is because of the fact that most spa companies have no engineers at all.""Because I am a technical person, with background in several technical fields and in engineering studies""I am an electronics designer as well as a spa designer and electrician. ""That is typical of slippery salesguys. They imply, infer, and tell lies in order to sell an inferior product to uninformed spa shoppers."And one of my favorites...."Whenever I have an "engineering question", I consult my brother (35 plus years ), the real engineer. "
Maybe Drewstar is Jim!!!!!!?