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...The Self Supporting Hull concept seems interesting. Â They claim you don't need a special foundation. Â Just set it down and go. Â This is assuming you have a level location etc. Â I wonder if it works?
And this, above all else, is the problem I have with the Arctic sales pitches: Common sense solutions to the wrong problems. The forever floor does not guarantee your tub will stay level (and note that little exception in the warranty). A proper foundation does.
There are no exceptions in our warranty for not putting your spa on a concrete slab or deck.James KeirsteadArctic Spas
The original poster quoted the following, presumably, from the arctic web site:"It completely eliminates the need for foundation materials like concrete, decking, or blocks!"The above quote from (presumably) the website, and your quote above certainly seem to be saying two different things.
I I have an Arctic Spa with a Forever Floor and the floor is warped! The entire tub is sitting on four or five contacts, and the rest of the floor is warped up and not making contact. ...a tech mentioned that all FF systems have some warp in them (inherent to the process)...
I think that James is saying that Arctic does not deny warranty claims based on where the spa was placed. That backs up the marketing of the "Forever Floor.