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Author Topic: Arctic Spas Anyone?  (Read 42790 times)


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Re: Arctic Spas Anyone?
« Reply #75 on: March 24, 2005, 09:19:19 pm »

Enough already....It seems like you simply can't take compliment ....Arctic builds a fine spa but the over top rhetoric that you have to spew is the down fall.. that list you gave... many of the other manufactures do some of the very same things and also have "their unique" things as well .....Why can you simply not offer any help to those who need but you only seem except on rare occasions pop in to promote the Arctic name .... You will get more respect if you would be consistent and offer some help/input outside of an Arctic thread.....

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Re: Arctic Spas Anyone?
« Reply #75 on: March 24, 2005, 09:19:19 pm »


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Re: Arctic Spas Anyone?
« Reply #76 on: March 24, 2005, 09:27:55 pm »
 Why, don't you worry about yourself, I'm helping Russ right now with his chlor situation as a matter of fact.  I like to get loose from time to time.   If you don't like it piss off.  I'm not on hear to bring sunshine to your life.
 Where is a compliment in that whole thread, the difference is when another brand says something about a unique feature there is an open discussion about it, Arctic, is singled out on this site for the same things all companies do. I am not hear to be friends with most of you hypocrites in this site.
  Ok, what features that I tallked about Arctic, do other manufactures have.  I don't know any tubs or sell against any that have alot of the features I sell so since you say alot of others have them why don't you name a few.  
     1)  A fully sealed, foundation floor 
     2)  Standard 5 to 4 inch 2lb  castcore cover

     3) standard 56 frame 4hp pumps

     4) Powder Coated Aluminium Cabinet

     5)  Self -supporting shell, warrantied for life of tub

     6)  Heat- Lock    

« Last Edit: March 26, 2005, 12:44:50 pm by stabone »


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Re: Arctic Spas Anyone?
« Reply #77 on: March 25, 2005, 03:12:19 am »

I am not here to get into a pissing contest with you.....The tub I represent has some of those features and more and the whole point is that most all of the better tubs have good things they do ....again very few people say Arctic does not build a good spa it is just that each of the better made spas are also well built and well backed each offering certain things that they might do better or different than the next guy..... D-1 ....Hot Springs.....Sundance......Marquis all offer a list that is as long as yours...... Artesian....Coleman........and Master probably could also come up with one....the difference is that guys don't come on this board and start promoting their product as the only and the best except for the Arctic guys......and If you had the ability to read any of the past threads you will find the problem most have with Arctic is not the product but the attitude of the people like yourself who represent it.....


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Re: Arctic Spas Anyone?
« Reply #78 on: March 25, 2005, 04:46:13 am »
Wow!!  When I started this thread I never imagined I would get such a response.. Many thanks to all who have replied.  It has been a real learning experience for me reading your somewhat heated posts ???

After researching all the tubs available in our area and wet testing several in our price range we made our decision this week and purchased the Caldera Martinique 04 floor model.  Now just need to wait for the air temp to rise above freezing at night so I can get a concrete pad poured then it's hot tub time ;D

Many thanks again to everyone for their helpful information.  This is a great forum.  Keep it up :)


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Re: Arctic Spas Anyone?
« Reply #79 on: March 25, 2005, 06:04:15 am »
Sorry staboner, I couldn't read your reply. Like another poster that's banned from this board I have heard it all before from posters like yourself. Retoric from a spa salesman with a bad attitude, you piss off. Ooops I lost it there sorry folks.

Again I though about 6 months ago or so on this or another board I guy named stabone was looking for a spa and was again touting Arctic for it's supremecy.

A whole lota stuff you said in your post about a shell and cedar and a bunch of other stuff sounds standard to me, but hey go ahead and believe what you want and I will continue to spew my opinion of Arctic as well. In my top ten but nothin special. Ha ha I have been in the plumbing business longer than you nananabooboo.


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Re: Arctic Spas Anyone?
« Reply #80 on: March 25, 2005, 08:45:26 am »
Be careful of electricity:

True telephone story.
An elderly lady with a dog called the telephone company to say that her phone failed to ring when her friends called, and that on the few occasions when it did ring, her dog always barked before the phone rang.
The telephone repairman proceeded to the scene, curious to see this psychic dog or senile elderly lady. He climbed a nearby telephone pole, hooked in his test set, and dialed the subscriber's house. The phone didn't ring but the dog barked loudly and then the telephone did ring.

Climbing down from the pole, the telephone repairman found:

1. The dog was tied to the telephone system's ground post via an iron chain and collar.
2. The dog was receiving 90 volts of signaling current when the phone number was called.
3. After several such jolts, the dog would start barking and urinate on the ground.
4. The wet ground around the ground post would complete the circuit and the phone would ring.

This shows you that some problems can be fixed by just pissing on them.  

This is why guys say "Piss on it" when they can't fix something....

....which seems to be the case here.


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Re: Arctic Spas Anyone?
« Reply #81 on: March 25, 2005, 09:25:41 am »
Don't you love getting email's at work from a colleague, and it's like 1500 words, and 20 paragraphs. Does anyone actually ready those?

I think this quote suits this thread.

Horse....consider yourself flogged.

and flogged.

and flogged.

Enough already.


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Re: Arctic Spas Anyone?
« Reply #82 on: March 26, 2005, 12:09:06 pm »

   Let me reference, my question to Mendocino by first saying, I was not right telling you to piss off, "Lord I Appoligize" , and that the point is not whether these materials and components are "better",  and more importantly perceived as 'better" to all consumers.  Or that their are not features and components on other tubs that are not better or perceived as better to different consumers, than those of an Arctic.  Some may appeal to one persons needs, yet not anothers.  
   What is wrong is that by trying to make Arctic sound like liars and cheats for selling some features on our tubs as "unique" ,  and emplying that our energy test was not conducted in a professional manner, or that we are the only company that has conducted 3rd party tests.  These features or materials that you  claim to be standard on other tubs,  I don't see them on other tubs, ( Also, I will add, I see features on other tubs in the field that Arctic does not have that I could see a consumer liking better than the comparable feature on an Arctic).  And vise versa! 
  If what most of you claim is true, that Arctic sells features, as exclusive or "unique" that most tubs in the industry have,  why do you rip the marketing of Arctic, we are selling tubs equiped and built just like everyone else,  yet our marketing has found a way to sell these features as exclusive, on an average tub, to the same people that walk into other spa showrooms and see these same features and materials on other tubs, yet come back to the Arctic dealer, pay more for the same thing they saw everywhere else, listen to us bad mouth every spa and dealer in our area, take their check, kick'em in the ass on the way out the door!! And then get on sites like this, tell their friends and family how much they love their spa, tell how their Arctic dealer did not bad mouth, and provide them with great service, it is amazing!!!!   (By the way  James  I am getting low on the brain washing dust, we pump into all Arctic stores through those machines that look like air fresheners, " OVER NIGHT IT, I AM GOING TO LOSE ANOTHER ONE, IF I DON"T  GET MORE SOON!! MY STAFF IS ALREADY STARTING TO TURN ON ME!!!!!

      WOW, sounds like our marketing is doing something right, and that others marketing better step it up!!
« Last Edit: March 26, 2005, 01:06:34 pm by stabone »


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Re: Arctic Spas Anyone?
« Reply #83 on: March 26, 2005, 02:48:30 pm »
Anyone for tennis?

Former HotSpring Dealer - Southern Cal.


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Re: Arctic Spas Anyone?
« Reply #84 on: March 26, 2005, 04:32:50 pm »
Anyone for tennis?


2 o'clock on Sunday O.K? 
BTW, I only have a hockey stick will it work for tennis?
« Last Edit: March 28, 2005, 08:59:42 am by wetone »


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Re: Arctic Spas Anyone?
« Reply #85 on: March 26, 2005, 04:36:06 pm »
I'll be there. And if I'm a little late, start without me.

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Re: Arctic Spas Anyone?
« Reply #86 on: March 26, 2005, 08:07:11 pm »
1)  A fully sealed, foundation floor 

Yes Coleman has an ABS pan that runs 6" up to the cabinet.
 2)  Standard 5 to 4 inch 2lb  castcore cover

Not that I am aware of. How heavy is is after 5 years once it has absorbed water?
Standard 56 frame 4hp pumps

Many manufacturers use 56 frame. Beachcomber, Coleman, Coast etc etc. 4hp....Is that break or continuous? Coleman uses up to 5.9 bHP pumps
4) Powder Coated Aluminium Cabinet

Definitely unique. Aluminum powder coated or not will eventually oxidize. Once the process starts, aluminum oxidizes and deteriorates faster than steel.
5)  Self -supporting shell, warrantied for life of tub
Again, Coleman has a self supporting shell. Canadian manufacturers have an advantage on shell warranties as there are no regulations stopping them from offering such a warranty. Beachcomber offers it. I have often stated that a lifetime shell warranty would be about as valuable as an auto manufacturer offerring a lifetime frame warranty. You will replace everything on a car before the frame fails. Same goes for a spa.
6)  Heat- Lock

Again, Coleman. They were doing it before Arctic produced one spa.

Coleman makes a great spa. So does Arctic. Neither came close to inventing ( or re-iventing) the wheel.

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Re: Arctic Spas Anyone?
« Reply #87 on: March 27, 2005, 07:46:02 am »

    Let me reference, my question to Mendocino by first saying, I was not right telling you to piss off, "Lord I Appoligize" , and that the point is not whether these materials and components are "better",  and more importantly perceived as 'better" to all consumers.  Or that their are not features and components on other tubs that are not better or perceived as better to different consumers, than those of an Arctic.  Some may appeal to one persons needs, yet not anothers.  
    What is wrong is that by trying to make Arctic sound like liars and cheats for selling some features on our tubs as "unique" ,  and emplying that our energy test was not conducted in a professional manner, or that we are the only company that has conducted 3rd party tests.  These features or materials that you  claim to be standard on other tubs,  I don't see them on other tubs, ( Also, I will add, I see features on other tubs in the field that Arctic does not have that I could see a consumer liking better than the comparable feature on an Arctic).  And vise versa! 
   If what most of you claim is true, that Arctic sells features, as exclusive or "unique" that most tubs in the industry have,  why do you rip the marketing of Arctic, we are selling tubs equiped and built just like everyone else,  yet our marketing has found a way to sell these features as exclusive, on an average tub, to the same people that walk into other spa showrooms and see these same features and materials on other tubs, yet come back to the Arctic dealer, pay more for the same thing they saw everywhere else, listen to us bad mouth every spa and dealer in our area, take their check, kick'em in the ass on the way out the door!! And then get on sites like this, tell their friends and family how much they love their spa, tell how their Arctic dealer did not bad mouth, and provide them with great service, it is amazing!!!!   (By the way  James  I am getting low on the brain washing dust, we pump into all Arctic stores through those machines that look like air fresheners, " OVER NIGHT IT, I AM GOING TO LOSE ANOTHER ONE, IF I DON"T  GET MORE SOON!! MY STAFF IS ALREADY STARTING TO TURN ON ME!!!!!
       WOW, sounds like our marketing is doing something right, and that others marketing better step it up!!

Blah blah blah blah blah retoric.


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Re: Arctic Spas Anyone?
« Reply #88 on: March 27, 2005, 03:10:59 pm »
 Thank you Hot Tub Man, I was really asking these questions to get some feed back from you guys that sell tubs that I don't see in my area.  As I shifted through your reply of bashing, I did get some feed back.  
  I appoligize, for having the pumps on that list of my last post, I know they are not an exclusive component, yet was more to my point of being an average pump to have on a spa. That was my fault.

   Again, let me make this very clear, I have put my time in battling you on this site over what is better or why a material is bad and can fail over time. It is a never ending circle of bickering that makes all of us sound stupid.  That is not my intent hear,  I and others have been called out and accused of lying about features that we sell on or tubs that we believe work well and will hold up well, and in the final product make a very nice, welll built spa.   In these accusations, the main arguement is that alot of tubs have these features, materials, that Arctic Spas boasts as "exclusive features".   I have asked you guys on hear as professionals not to name a features on tubs "like" or "similar" to Arctics.   I did not ask what you think the positives and negatives are, or why other materials used on other tubs is a better application in your mind!!    I think we have already discussed most of these issues in that manner in the past.  What is better, is up to your personal preference and opinion!!  And should be respected by both sides. ( I will try and have been trying to hold my side of this up on this site sense my first few days on hear where I was guilty of this one sided attitude and bias).
   1)  Coleman's floors are ABS not fiberglass
               - Does Coleman warranty their floor as a foundation ?

    2) Cover's.   I will take that answer and bashing as their is not a  another 5 to 4 inch CastCore cover to your knowledge.
         - I do not know what the exact weight of the cover will be after it is used 5 years.  I will weigh my cover it is almost 5 years old now and let you know.
         -  These covers come with a 3 year warranty. I have personnaly warrantied them myself for 5 years from the inserts- breaking, saging, or becoming water logged. If that is what a customer needs to assure them that they are a great cover and I am willing to  back up what I tell people!  
       - I have been selling Arctic 5 years in August, and have not replaced an  insert due to breaking or water logging. I have replaced vinyl.  

    3)  Coleman uses framing, and insulation on their shells for support. That is not self supporting!!  Better or worse this is not how Arctic builds theirs.  I am sure their are positives and negetives to both methods .  

   4)  Coleman uses a different style of heat lock than Arctic.  Both methods recover lost heat of the pumps.  But the differences in insulation change how the heat is transfered to the water, and how the heat from the water can be transfered to the air space.  Both are obviously fine ways to insulate a tub. I think most would agree a Coleman and Arctic would have very similar operating cost!    

   5) Powder Coated Cabinets-  Have you seen or heared of our cabinets not holding up.  Or are you refering to lower end aluminium lawn furniture as your reference.   Again, Hot Tub Man, it does not take a real genious to find fault in building materials, everything has a positive and negative.  The way our tubs are built  I feel the positives out way the negatives. You may not, and that is fine.          
« Last Edit: March 27, 2005, 05:52:06 pm by stabone »


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Re: Arctic Spas Anyone?
« Reply #89 on: March 28, 2005, 06:44:07 am »

        4)  Coleman uses a different style of heat lock than Arctic.  Both methods recover lost heat of the pumps.  But the differences in insulation change how the heat is transfered to the water, and how the heat from the water can be transfered to the air space.  Both are obviously fine ways to insulate a tub. I think most would agree a Coleman and Arctic would have very similar operating cost!     

The 16 hours a day when the Coleman or Arctics pump motor is not running which one looses more heat through the side walls. Can either of you answer that? Cause if I was going to purchase a insulation method that relyed on heat from the motor to create R-Factor I would want to know that.

Do either of you guys (Coleman or Arctic) think increasing motor run time (or uneccesary fitration) would be an exceptable method to increase heat generating time from your motor in order to help reduce side wall heat loss during -20 to -30 below days?

Just wanted to put a different spin on that particular insulation method. It's what I have on my tub except I have improved it behond what either of your brands have.......I have a bit of a temperature creep problem but during very cold spells it can be very usefull.

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Re: Arctic Spas Anyone?
« Reply #89 on: March 28, 2005, 06:44:07 am »


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