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Chas HS question? chemicals
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Topic: Chas HS question? chemicals (Read 3849 times)
Junior Member
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Chas HS question? chemicals
February 18, 2005, 01:05:23 am »
I am using ozone and freshwater silver ion purifer. We put in mps before we soak, run clean cycle for 10 minutes after adding.
We also just run the clean cycle when we get out without any chemicals.
Then once a week we add diclor.
Are we doing this backasswards?
The sanitation schedule from HS freshwater system says 1tbsp mps per 250 gallons prior to use and 3tbsp. of mps per 250 gallons once a week with no mention of diclor at all.
Hot Tub Forum
Chas HS question? chemicals
February 18, 2005, 01:05:23 am »
Mentor Level Member
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Re: Chas HS question? chemicals
Reply #1 on:
February 18, 2005, 09:39:18 am »
You are doing it right.
You must have some Dichlor going in, and once a week is fine.
I have customers who put a larger dose - say about two ounces - once per month or after a group exits the spa. But a smaller amount once per week should be just fine.
Former HotSpring Dealer - Southern Cal.
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Re: Chas HS question? chemicals
Reply #2 on:
February 22, 2005, 04:16:25 pm »
I am using the same system as flajoker and my HS dealer told me to add 1 tablespoon of non-chlorine shock for each person that was in the tub - after the soak is over. Then add about 2 tablespoons of the Dichlor in once a week.
This seems to give me good readings and I haven't had any real water problems.
Of course I have to balance the alkalinity and the Ph levels but that is S.O.P. anyway.
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Re: Chas HS question? chemicals
Reply #3 on:
February 24, 2005, 02:34:45 pm »
I was told the same as shoemaker except to add the MPS before use.
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Hot Spring Envoy
Re: Chas HS question? chemicals
Reply #4 on:
February 25, 2005, 01:10:17 pm »
Interesting. I was given a container of MPS with my spa and gave it back to the dealer. I use dichlor in accordance with the program put together by the Vermonter. This system really works well. FWIW, I would not, repeat NOT, rely on MPS alone. For those of you who are using it, you definitely would want to shock with dichlor once a week, just as Chas has said.
Last Edit: February 25, 2005, 01:11:45 pm by Bill_Stevenson
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Re: Chas HS question? chemicals
Reply #5 on:
February 25, 2005, 01:13:59 pm »
Well, the system works. Putting in the Dichlor once a week or for some folks only once per month and after a crowd exits the tub seems to work out just fine.
But others who use the tub more, or who have family members who only use the tub occasionally will usually get better results with Dichlor.
The MPS does tend to add TDS to the situaion, which means that you have to drain every three months with MPS whereas you may get by with six months with Dichlor/Ozone/N2.
Former HotSpring Dealer - Southern Cal.
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Re: Chas HS question? chemicals
Reply #6 on:
March 08, 2005, 10:26:04 pm »
I recently purchased the TR Siberian and have the freshwater III with silver ion and ozonater. I had been using the directions that came with my freshwater II starter kit, but then my dealer suggested using 1 tablespoon MPS after each use and 1 tablespoon dichloro weekly both while using the clean cycle. The water is clear and I have had to adjust PH (raising it) a few times , but every time I test, I am seeing no free Cl (MPS) reading on the test strip. WE usually use the tub about 4 times a week and it is usually just wife and I . Shpuld I be concerned? I can get a reading in the ok range after I add MPS if I test an hour or so after adding , but it seems to be depleted by the time we use it again. BTW, I was having same probalem using Freshwater III enclosed instructions also. Any help would be appreciated!!!
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Re: Chas HS question? chemicals
Reply #7 on:
March 08, 2005, 11:51:03 pm »
Spahunter, MPS is a non-chlorine shock so it isnt going to raise your free chlorine too high. Using the silver ion cart. allows you to keep your free chlorine between .5 to 1.5 ppm. I know my strips dont always show a reading if my free chlorine is under 1.
Mentor Level Member
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Hot water is Cool.
Re: Chas HS question? chemicals
Reply #8 on:
March 09, 2005, 12:22:17 am »
MPS goes away much faster than Chlorine. Now when you do add the chlorine, you should add enough chlorine so that you have a readable amount the next morning.
Former HotSpring Dealer - Southern Cal.
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Can't wait to soak!
Re: Chas HS question? chemicals
Reply #9 on:
March 09, 2005, 05:36:38 pm »
Thanks guys for your response. So what it sounds like you are telling me is that if I am using MPS after soaking, it may not register by the next time i get in. I just want to keep the tub in good shape and I knew CHas and the rest of you would know better than I. This board is a godsend for those of us who are newbies and probably saves you dealers many stupid calls from us!!!
Anyway, thanks for contributing and helping the rest of us out!
Hot Tub Forum
Re: Chas HS question? chemicals
Reply #9 on:
March 09, 2005, 05:36:38 pm »
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