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Author Topic: Maax's Elite Premium Series Spas?  (Read 9711 times)


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Maax's Elite Premium Series Spas?
« on: February 07, 2005, 01:14:13 pm »
Hi Everyone,

I am new to the site but have researched alot, and spent 8 hours over the weekend going from one dealer to another at the Home & Flower show to purchase a hot tub.  I literally did not see any of the show, just went back and forth between one dealer and another to try to weed out the fact from marketing.

Anyway,  I purchased an Elite Premium 85-3500 spa (www.maax.com) with UV Ozonater.  It's a 6 seater, with a lot of bells and whistles that I loved.  I had boiled it down to either a Sundance, Hot Springs, or the Elite.  I purchased the Elite because it just seemed to make more logical sense than what the salesmen of HS and Sun were telling me.  I purchased the spa for $6,900 out the door including taxes (8%), delivery, install, instructions, ozonater, air blower, cover, cover lifter, stairs, and starter chemicals.  Had I gone with HS or Sundance, it would have cost me at least an additional $1,500 + tax (up to an additional $700) and not as many items included.

My concern is that I can not find much opinion on the Elite Series, either here or elsewhere.  I am starting to have buyers remorse, however, I am taking solice in the fact that it appears that Coleman is well regarded, which is a sister spa of the Elite Premium.

Can anyone give me more info or input on the Elite Premium tub.  I am going to wet test the Elite at the Dealer's showroom on Tues. evening to make sure I truly like it, and the Dealer has indicated she will refund the deposit if I am disastified.

I would love to hear anyone and everyone's opinion?  Thanks in advance.  Mike

Hot Tub Forum

Maax's Elite Premium Series Spas?
« on: February 07, 2005, 01:14:13 pm »


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Re: Maax's Elite Premium Series Spas?
« Reply #1 on: February 07, 2005, 01:20:05 pm »
I have found that show prices are generally higher than showroom floor prices, especially after a show if there are demo models on hand.

I would have a relative or friend go to your dealer and see if they can beat the price you just got.

Other than that, only you can decide if the tub you bought is going to make you happy.
Former HotSpring Dealer - Southern Cal.


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Re: Maax's Elite Premium Series Spas?
« Reply #2 on: February 07, 2005, 01:49:32 pm »
That's a great suggestion.  I will definitely do that.

I have found that show prices are generally higher than showroom floor prices, especially after a show if there are demo models on hand.

I would have a relative or friend go to your dealer and see if they can beat the price you just got.

Other than that, only you can decide if the tub you bought is going to make you happy.


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Re: Maax's Elite Premium Series Spas?
« Reply #3 on: February 07, 2005, 01:53:50 pm »
Elite is a great spa. I had some troubles last year with the factory response to getting the spas out to us after a fair and it was due to the change over of people at the distributor/ownership level.

I'm quite interested in the new improvements and can tell you first hand that other than some diverter levers breaking on some spas (which they have since improved) and a couple of sticking controls we have really had a low volume of service calls.

BTW, the diverters where pretty much an industry wide issue from the supplier.

The Premium 80/85 is one of the best performing spas I have ever sat in. I like a pretty intense massage but have never liked forced air. This spa gives an incredible massage and the “Turbo Air” into the jets is really nice!

You will enjoy it!

BTW, last year the Elite was about 15% less than the Coleman and offered dual filters with better massage. I haven’t tried the new Elite or Coleman this year personally so I can’t really compare the 05 models….


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Re: Maax's Elite Premium Series Spas?
« Reply #4 on: February 07, 2005, 02:01:33 pm »
Thanks Stuart, you are making me feel much more comfortable with my purchase.  BTW, if you don't mind, to qualify your appraisal, could you tell me more about your professional affiliation if any with Maax/Coleman/Elite as a dealer or other line, or are just in repair industry.  Mike

Elite is a great spa. I had some troubles last year with the factory response to getting the spas out to us after a fair and it was due to the change over of people at the distributor/ownership level.

I'm quite interested in the new improvements and can tell you first hand that other than some diverter levers breaking on some spas (which they have since improved) and a couple of sticking controls we have really had a low volume of service calls.

BTW, the diverters where pretty much an industry wide issue from the supplier.

The Premium 80/85 is one of the best performing spas I have ever sat in. I like a pretty intense massage but have never liked forced air. This spa gives an incredible massage and the “Turbo Air” into the jets is really nice!

You will enjoy it!

BTW, last year the Elite was about 15% less than the Coleman and offered dual filters with better massage. I haven’t tried the new Elite or Coleman this year personally so I can’t really compare the 05 models….

Hot Tub Forum

Re: Maax's Elite Premium Series Spas?
« Reply #4 on: February 07, 2005, 02:01:33 pm »


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