As a left handed golfer, I'm a big Phil fan, but I was yelling at the TV, "Why are you pulling out the driver, you stupid son of a beotch!"
Although the big headline around here Wednesday will be Columbus man strangles cable guy, severs his head, and puts it on a stick in the front yard for passerby's to see and as a warning to other cable guys.
Being father's day, I watched 6 hours of coverage after lunch and then was talked into going out for dinner. I pushed record on the cable company supplied DVR and left for dinner and avoided watching it at the restaurant.
I got home, watched about an hour, saw Phil's drive on 18 take a good bounce off the tent. As he started to take his second shot, the recording ended. I had called repair a month ago for other stupid things this DVR box has done, and a guy came out. I had waited all afternoon for him and when he came in he said, "That is a known problem and it will be fixed with an update that automatically comes down the line when its available. "
If he tries that remark again, he will be hurt. I think the box is a Scientific Atlanta brand. I'll confirm that at home tonight, but I suspect it is a remanufactured Phoenix brand sold out of Colorado.