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Author Topic: Compare/ Contrast Euphoria, Optima, and Grandee?  (Read 8906 times)


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Compare/ Contrast Euphoria, Optima, and Grandee?
« on: November 14, 2004, 09:51:13 pm »
THese are probably the three models I have narrowed it down to.  I was hoping the people here could point out some factors that might help tip the scales one way or the other.  I am gonna do the wet tests this week but I want to be informed before I go into making a deal.

Thanks so much!!

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Compare/ Contrast Euphoria, Optima, and Grandee?
« on: November 14, 2004, 09:51:13 pm »


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Re: Compare/ Contrast Euphoria, Optima, and Grande
« Reply #1 on: November 15, 2004, 12:00:12 am »
You have selected three of the better spas out there...I think when someone gives you an opinion about them it will be tough for them not to be biased....The wet test should help YOU decide...Last year I started as a shopper for my spa and this year I am a Marquis dealer...I feel they offer as much value....quailty....therapy as any spa you will find....I think their warranty is very tough to beat...but you will have decide which spa best fits your needs....again all three are fine spas.....


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Re: Compare/ Contrast Euphoria, Optima, and Grande
« Reply #2 on: November 15, 2004, 09:23:54 am »
I agree.  Wet test each one and go with your instinct.  Comfort, the way the jets hit  YOU, those things are the most important.  

Measure once, cut twice.


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Re: Compare/ Contrast Euphoria, Optima, and Grande
« Reply #3 on: November 15, 2004, 11:16:37 am »
I am Euphoria owner here, for about 2 months now. We love it but I was also looking at the HS vanguard. The wet test will decide for you but also you must have a good relationship with your dealer. They are your link to warranty work, chems etc. and the feeling you have should be comfortable. You will be happy with whichever one you buy and that is all that REALLY matters. Good luck and keep us posted!!! seeya



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Re: Compare/ Contrast Euphoria, Optima, and Grande
« Reply #4 on: November 15, 2004, 01:23:43 pm »
I own a grandee and have wet tested the optima.  Don't know anything about the Euphoria, though.

I think one of the biggest considerations between the grandee and the optima is whether you like open seating or bucket seating.

We often have lots of people in our tub and the open seating helps us.  It also allows us to have an impromptu lounger when there are just 3-4 people in the tub.

The other thing to look at is type of jets and their placement. I love the moto-massage.  Some people love the optima foot dome.  These two tubs are different enough in their design that you should be able to get a sense of which product makes you comfortable and "more at home" when sitting in it.

Some, especially here, will say HS has an edge on energy efficiency and filtration.  Most will also say that all of you rchoices are "good enough".  Filtration should be good enough.  Energy efficiency should be "good enough". An extra $2-5 a month or extra 15 minutes cleaning filters shouldn't make or break a decision.

Don't let dealers steer you into something that you are not comfortable with just so you can proclaim some sort of tub-technical victory! 8)

And, as always, if you *can't* decide based on technical merit or comfort, choose which dealer you feel will better serice you in the future.

Good luck!

« Last Edit: November 15, 2004, 01:27:11 pm by ebirrane »


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Re: Compare/ Contrast Euphoria, Optima, and Grande
« Reply #5 on: November 15, 2004, 09:56:43 pm »
You have selected three of the better spas out there...I think when someone gives you an opinion about them it will be tough for them not to be biased....The wet test should help YOU decide...Last year I started as a shopper for my spa and this year I am a Marquis dealer...I feel they offer as much value....quailty....therapy as any spa you will find....I think their warranty is very tough to beat...but you will have decide which spa best fits your needs....again all three are fine spas.....

I agree with Mendocino101 all the way! I think that the Euphoria will cost less over time to own for several reasons and pound for pound I think it's one of the smartest buys out there.


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Re: Compare/ Contrast Euphoria, Optima, and Grande
« Reply #6 on: November 16, 2004, 08:36:56 am »
First let me say I own the HS Landmark which is basically the same size as the Grandee with a little different seating arrangement....

I just went and did a comparison on the size of the Euphoria compared with the Grandee.

The Euphoria is 7.5 x 7.5 with a depth of 34 inches.  It holds 400 gallons of water.  Seats 7

The Grandee is 7'7" x 8'4" with a depth of 38 inches.  It holds 500 gallons of water.  Seats 7

The Grandee gives you an extra foot of size,  4 more inches of depth and 100 more gallons of water.  I, personally, can't see 7 adults in either of these tubs unless it is you and 6 of your girlfriends(Hef), but if you had to try, I would say they would be more comfortable in the larger deeper tub.  You may want to take this into consideration when deciding based on how tall you are as well.  My neighbor's wife almost drowns in my Landmark...LOL...

Personally I prefer the biggest deepest tub I can find.  I am 6'4" so being able to totally stretch out is important to me.  With the Grandee you will be very comfortable when it is just you and a significant other and you will also have plenty of room for your friends to all come over and enjoy your tub.

Just my 2 cents....


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Re: Compare/ Contrast Euphoria, Optima, and Grande
« Reply #7 on: November 16, 2004, 09:17:03 am »
It also explains why the Euphoria may be a little cheaper.  

Few companies compare to the service responsibility of Watkins.  The thing the marquis warranty has that the HS doesn't is transferrability.  If you are going to sell your hot tub in the next 5-7 years then, with a Marquis, you can transfer the warranty to the person who buys it from you.

This is an important feature for marquis owners who need to sell their tubs in the first few years to run out and buy a Hot Spring. 8)


ps. For cripe's sake, I'm making a JOKE


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Re: Compare/ Contrast Euphoria, Optima, and Grande
« Reply #8 on: November 16, 2004, 09:38:48 am »
It also explains why the Euphoria may be a little cheaper.  

Few companies compare to the service responsibility of Watkins.  The thing the marquis warranty has that the HS doesn't is transferrability.  If you are going to sell your hot tub in the next 5-7 years then, with a Marquis, you can transfer the warranty to the person who buys it from you.

This is an important feature for marquis owners who need to sell their tubs in the first few years to run out and buy a Hot Spring. 8)


ps. For cripe's sake, I'm making a JOKE

Joking or not one of the reasons the Marquis does allow for the warranty to be transfered is because of the Viton seals they use...with no exclusion of pump seals in their warranty ( I believe they are the only manufacture who does this)...no exclusions for pillows...the only exclusions on their warranty is the filter cartridge its self...I do not think the thought of selling the spa is what is key but perhaps the selling of a home....and being able to share with a buyer that the spa is still under warratny....also Marquis measurement (34.5) is on interior depth not on shell height....

« Last Edit: November 16, 2004, 09:41:48 am by Mendocino101 »


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Re: Compare/ Contrast Euphoria, Optima, and Grande
« Reply #9 on: November 16, 2004, 10:10:03 am »
First let me say I own the HS Landmark which is basically the same size as the Grandee with a little different seating arrangement....

I just went and did a comparison on the size of the Euphoria compared with the Grandee.

The Euphoria is 7.5 x 7.5 with a depth of 34 inches.  It holds 400 gallons of water.  Seats 7

The interior depth of the Euphoria is 34 inches which is just about the same if not more than the Grandee
The Grandee is 7'7" x 8'4" with a depth of 38 inches.  It holds 500 gallons of water.  Seats 7

The Grandee gives you an extra foot of size,  4 more inches of depth and 100 more gallons of water.  I, personally, can't see 7 adults in either of these tubs unless it is you and 6 of your girlfriends(Hef), but if you had to try, I would say they would be more comfortable in the larger deeper tub.  You may want to take this into consideration when deciding based on how tall you are as well.  My neighbor's wife almost drowns in my Landmark...LOL...

I does not give you 4 more inches of depth nor is it a "foot" bigger, do the math. The Grandee eats up a portion of the interior with the massive filter alcove and the jet niches for the moto massage jets thereby requiring it to be bigger to support 7 people. BTW, those 7 people can different heights and set in different positions in the water with the variable seating in the euphoria.

We have had 7 in the Euphoria in the store more than once!
Personally I prefer the biggest deepest tub I can find.  I am 6'4" so being able to totally stretch out is important to me.  With the Grandee you will be very comfortable when it is just you and a significant other and you will also have plenty of room for your friends to all come over and enjoy your tub.
Just my 2 cents....

The beauty of the Euphoria is that it doesn't just take one person into consideration nor does it limit your seating possibilities! There are a whole lot more options of jet configuration and seating than most spas.

In addition to these things the Euphoria  has a more inclusive warrenty and will cost less to own over time.


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Re: Compare/ Contrast Euphoria, Optima, and Grande
« Reply #10 on: November 16, 2004, 11:45:12 am »
The interior depth of the Euphoria is 34 inches which is just about the same if not more than the Grandee
I does not give you 4 more inches of depth nor is it a "foot" bigger, do the math. The Grandee eats up a portion of the interior with the massive filter alcove and the jet niches for the moto massage jets thereby requiring it to be bigger to support 7 people. BTW, those 7 people can different heights and set in different positions in the water with the variable seating in the euphoria.

We have had 7 in the Euphoria in the store more than once!
The beauty of the Euphoria is that it doesn't just take one person into consideration nor does it limit your seating possibilities! There are a whole lot more options of jet configuration and seating than most spas.

In addition to these things the Euphoria  has a more inclusive warrenty and will cost less to own over time.

So if the Grandee is not bigger how can you explain the fact that it holds 100 more gallons than teh Euphoria.....do the math....


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Re: Compare/ Contrast Euphoria, Optima, and Grande
« Reply #11 on: November 16, 2004, 12:01:26 pm »
Well, like I said before, I haven't seen a Euphoria, but we have certainly had 7 in my grandee before without being too close for comfort.  The grandee also has various depth seating.  

Fortunately, size is easy to verify. From the marquis web site: exterior dimensions: 90"x90"x35.5", interior depth 34", 400 gallons.

Personally, I don't like the look of the tub, the 2 filters in the center, and lack of cool down seat, and barrier (bucket) seating.  Your tastes may be different, which is why you MUST wet test.

The grandee is: 100"x91"x38". I like the no-barrier seating. Also, and this may be a small thing for others, but I *love* the elbow rests. It is such a small "attention to detail" sort of thing, and it was never part of my purchasing decision, but those little arm/elbow rests are terrific for me. Try them next time you wet test.


Don't quite get the spiteful comment about the filters taking up space. It's attractive and since you have 5 of them with 150 sq feet of filtration, they need to go someplace, and why not make that place where you can set drinks, a waterproof stereo, tub toys, or anything else?

Also the "left" and "right" side of the Euphoria look like they waste a lot more space than the corners of the grandee.  But, I haven't measured it, it is just an eye-ball estimate.

Oh well, my 2 cents

« Last Edit: November 16, 2004, 12:25:24 pm by ebirrane »


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Re: Compare/ Contrast Euphoria, Optima, and Grande
« Reply #12 on: November 16, 2004, 12:07:59 pm »
judging from that pic( I have never seen one in person) there is no way you are getting 7 adults in that Euphoria....where would all the legs and feet go???


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Re: Compare/ Contrast Euphoria, Optima, and Grande
« Reply #13 on: November 16, 2004, 12:15:42 pm »
The beauty of the Euphoria is that it doesn't just take one person into consideration nor does it limit your seating possibilities!


You got us there stuart.

The grandee takes one person into consideration and greatly limits seating possibilities.  

The barrier free seating especially limits how you can lie in the tub, and the variable depths sets are a killer for variety.



1) Hot Springs has a terrific warranty, and a long history of going above and beyond its warranty.  Watkins is well respected in the industry for its service.

2) Watkins has more filtration, and easier filter maintenance than most tubs, especially with the tri-x filters, which you can clean by ploppin in your dishwasher (by themselves, of course, not with dirty dishes)

3) The barrier-free seating is terrific. Many times I stretch across seats if I feel the need to.

4) The moto-massage is unlike anything out there. They are "2" jets that act like 20. You can buy interchangeable plates that alter the massage as well. You can sit in front of one for hours without getting your back rubbed raw.

5) Hot Springs, and especially their energy efficient series, are some of the cheapest spas to operate. While I can't be positive because I haven't attached a measuring device to my tub, we estimate paying about $10-$18/month during this summer. We expect to pay about $20-$25/month during the winter.

These are some perks about Hot Springs tubs, and the grandee in particular.  Good luck in your decision, and watch out for the sales guys.

« Last Edit: November 16, 2004, 12:16:04 pm by ebirrane »


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Re: Compare/ Contrast Euphoria, Optima, and Grande
« Reply #14 on: November 16, 2004, 12:23:29 pm »
judging from that pic( I have never seen one in person) there is no way you are getting 7 adults in that Euphoria....where would all the legs and feet go???

Well, the pictures aren't to scale, but assuming the jets aren't the size of basketballs it seems a human would cramp in there a little more.  

But maybe not.

When you wet test it is a VERY good idea to take 2 friends with you, or the spouse and kids. When looking at seating everyone looks at where their BUTT is going to do, but when people get tangled in a tub, it's the feet that get tangled.

Some people love the foot dome in the optima because it "helps".  Some feel it actually makes it worse.  The grandee worked with the 2 people (wife and her bro) who helped us wet test.

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Re: Compare/ Contrast Euphoria, Optima, and Grande
« Reply #14 on: November 16, 2004, 12:23:29 pm »


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