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Author Topic: Bullfrog questions: Aeration, Airlock drains, 30min Shut-off, Neckplus JetPack  (Read 2170 times)


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I got my new A6L Select two days ago and have a few questions for Bullfrog owners. The tub in not heated for use yet because I am in the long process to lower my tub's street water filled Total Alkalinity (TA) down from 370 PPM! So I have not been on the 60º water to 'feel' the jets, I am just observing them.

1) I never thought about it before, but it seems there is no option to run jets w/o AERATION. Am I missing something?

2) When jets are manually turned on for use from the control display, the default setting Auto-shuts-off after 30 minutes. Is there somewhere in the settings to adjust the Auto-shut-off time? I looked and can not find it via the control panel.

3) Initially, I saw aeration only from the upper jets of each pack, then after repeatedly cycling both pumps rapidly through off, low, high, repeat, and using a plunger on the holes at the base of the two JetPaks closest to the pumps, it 'seems' aeration runs lower now, but not sure about the bottom most jets. I'll know more when it's heated and the chemicals are set up properly.

4) Specifically the new for 2023 Neck "Plus" JetPak (pictures attached)- When I removed the headrest covers to purge the hot tub, I noticed that the fronts were very roughly cut with slots like with a grinder wheel. The cuts did not match side to side, looked rough like the assembly line tech was NOT paying attention, and the headrest covers do not snap over on these front extensions. What are these "manual cutouts" supposed to do??? With the pump on low, the one over the right shoulder sprays a disfigured stream, on high the stream is disfigured and very forceful. The one over the left shoulder on low squirts up and in all directions, on high it sprays in your face and all over.

5) New for 2023, Bullfrogs have air bleed valves at the base of the front panel, so you no longer need to go inside and remove a hose on the actual pump(s) to bleed air out. The right air bleed connects to both Jet Pumps. I discovered that the left plug is for the dinky waterfall pump (bottom right side of cabinet). I initially thought there was a separate air bleed for each JET pump, so was confused why the left one had less flow and did not change with pump speed... well, Duh!  :o


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One other thing of note, the hum of just the one Jet Pump on low has quite a loud hum outside that carries through the house. The Jet pumps have a red and white tag on one of each pump's four mounting bolts. "Shipping Bolt. May Remove After Spa Installation to Minimize Vibration." (picture attached) I will remove those two bolts tomorrow. Curious if anyone has this very loud hum that resonates well into the opposite side of the house? Did you remove those two shipping bolts and notice a significantly lower sound from Pump #1 running on low for the circulation/filtration cycle? (I do not have the dedicated Circ. Pump.)



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After searching Google a lot, I only found ONE video showing a 2023 NeckEASE JetPak in operation. I found NO videos or pics of the 2023 NeckPLUS that I have. I attached a screen shot of the YouTube video where it showed the NeckEASE operating. It has no water coming out of the left and right protruding portions over the side neck jets. I'd assume that this portion of Neck Paks are the same, that they differ only by the Jets on the vertical 'back' portion of the Neck Paks.



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@BullFrogSpasMN ,

You have been very informative on Bullfrog questions. Thank you. Can you tell me about the 2023 Neck JetPaks? I have the NeckPlus JetPak which may have been modified, and poorly. On my NeckPlus, just below where the headrest goes over the front protrusions over each shoulder, cut out slots have been made roughly and unevenly. Looks like it was done by a grinding wheel or 1/8" wide cutting wheel on an angle grinder. This is on a brand new A6L Select from a brand new Bullfrog dealer. It was a 2 month old (dry) floor model. Are these cutouts supposed to be there, meaning the Bullfrog factory does this on the assembly line that builds the 2023 JetPaks? If so, the B'Frog worker was extremely sloppy as the cutouts (slots) are uneven side to side. If B'Frog does these manual modifications on the 2023 Neck JetPaks, you'd think they would water test them on a JetPak water test fixture in the JetPak subassembly line.

If these cut-outs are not done by B'Frog at the factory, I can't imagine how a brand-new dealer would end up with a non OEM modified JetPak. The dealer has only been in business for 3 months, and I was literally their first sale. Not like another customer returned this Jet pack to the store after the customer modified it. I wore out Google looking to find pics or videos of 2023 B'Frog Neck JetPaks. The ONLY example of a 2023 Neck Pak I found was a Neck'EASE'. It had no water coming from the shoulder protrusions.

I will be talking to the dealer, but I seriously doubt he'll have a clue of what this NeckPLUS JetPak should look like, so I'd like to know in advance of confusing him.  ;)

Thanks in advance for your thoughts.


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@BullFrogSpasMN ,

You have been very informative on Bullfrog questions. Thank you. Can you tell me about the 2023 Neck JetPaks? I have the NeckPlus JetPak which may have been modified, and poorly. On my NeckPlus, just below where the headrest goes over the front protrusions over each shoulder, cut out slots have been made roughly and unevenly. Looks like it was done by a grinding wheel or 1/8" wide cutting wheel on an angle grinder. This is on a brand new A6L Select from a brand new Bullfrog dealer. It was a 2 month old (dry) floor model. Are these cutouts supposed to be there, meaning the Bullfrog factory does this on the assembly line that builds the 2023 JetPaks? If so, the B'Frog worker was extremely sloppy as the cutouts (slots) are uneven side to side. If B'Frog does these manual modifications on the 2023 Neck JetPaks, you'd think they would water test them on a JetPak water test fixture in the JetPak subassembly line.

If these cut-outs are not done by B'Frog at the factory, I can't imagine how a brand-new dealer would end up with a non OEM modified JetPak. The dealer has only been in business for 3 months, and I was literally their first sale. Not like another customer returned this Jet pack to the store after the customer modified it. I wore out Google looking to find pics or videos of 2023 B'Frog Neck JetPaks. The ONLY example of a 2023 Neck Pak I found was a Neck'EASE'. It had no water coming from the shoulder protrusions.

I will be talking to the dealer, but I seriously doubt he'll have a clue of what this NeckPLUS JetPak should look like, so I'd like to know in advance of confusing him.  ;)

Thanks in advance for your thoughts.

Can you post a photo of what you are describing? something sounds off about it.

Here's a quick snap of one on my sales floor for reference...

upload images[/url]

Vincent Jennings

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Congrats on your new A6L Select! Okay, so about your questions: 1) Yeah, seems like the jets are tied to aeration, no separate option. Weird, right? 2) Can't find a way to change the auto-shut-off time? That's frustrating. 3) Good call on cycling the pumps, sounds like it helped a bit. 4) Those rough cuts on the JetPak covers sound annoying. Maybe reach out to customer service? 5) Air bleed valves sound handy, but figuring out which connects where can be a bit of a puzzle. Keep tinkering, you'll get it sorted!

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