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But I'm already sick of the political references, this is one place I can get away from that. Oh, well, 18 more days.
Fightin' liberals is a 24/7/365 job.
Fightin' liberals is a 24/7/365 job. The world is a dangerous place and liberals are just wrong and can't be trusted. World peace and freedom we enjoy today is in peril. The war on terrorism needs to be handled by the U.S.M.C. not some world court. God Bless the American Soldier! God Bless America!........Making attacks on fellow American's over spas is just plain wrong!
As a Proud Canadian I have absolutely no problem with my American friends. And am not interested in examining political decisions between governments. This site is Hot tubs not political. But whe I read comments like yours that preach a blind holyer than though mentality makes me go insane.I'll stop here and not deal with you any longer 'cause if I do I would get banned from this site.Suffice it to say -- A$$HOLE.