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Author Topic: Hot Tub Virgins/1st Timers  (Read 7506 times)


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Hot Tub Virgins/1st Timers
« on: August 13, 2020, 04:07:38 pm »
Hello! As the title suggests we are contemplating our first hot tub purchase.

I've been reading this forum for months along with Reddit and numerous articles and am as confused as ever or probably more so. Paralysis by analysis as we call it in the finance business.

Before COVID hit we wet tested a number of Hot Springs spas and were sold on the Envoy. We were going to pull the trigger on a 2013 model from the Hot Springs dealer for $6,000 with new cover, steps, cradle, etc. literally the day COVID hit hard in March but decided to not buy until we knew what the financial affects would be.

We are back in the market now for a spa. We live in the great white north so winter and bitterly cold temps will be here before we know it and we'd love to sit in a hot tub while it's 0 degrees F enjoying the outdoors.

As others have experienced hot tubs are hard to come by right now. We looked at private party 2016 Envoy last week. Nice tub, but needed a new salt cell, cover, and the guy wouldn't include the breaker box. He wanted $5,500 and between a $550 moving fee, cover, fixing the salt cell (which wasn't necessarily required), breaker box, etc I figured I'd be into it for close to $7,500 - $8,000 and that's without knowing what other issues it could have.

That experience has taught me that I'm either going to buy used from the dealer (used tubs are impossible to find right now) as they go through it all, and include delivery, the box, a new cover, and piece of mind, or I'm kicking around buying new. Obviously some huge advantages of buying new - warranty and reliability being the big ones, but it comes with a huge price tag of $5,000-6,000 over used. My dealer has a new Envoy arrving Friday that they'd sell me out the door with cover, steps, easy lift cradle, box for $13,500.

I believe it has the new salt system in it but I haven't clarified that. Do all the new HS Highlife tubs come with it standard? Is the other option to use an ozone system and chemicals like a non saltwater tub? Which way is preferred by users? As my dealer tells me it is personal preference.

I've also been directed to Bull Frog spas but my local dealer says he can't get any until February and I'd want to wet test them first. Not sure I want to wait another six months to even sit in a tub.

We are total hot tub rookies - I'll be honest - I've never been a huge hot tub fan for two reasons: 1. I don't like the strong smell of chlorine and chemicals and I also don't like sharing dirty water with strangers. 2. Most tubs I've been in are too hot for my liking and I can only last 15-20 minutes. My dad has a HS Vanguard and both of these situations apply. My buddy has a HS Prism and his water never has the strong chemical smell and he keeps it at a temp to where I've actually sat in it for 2 hours comfortably. By owning my own tub I would have control over my main 2 dislikes, and I loved sitting in my buddies tub.

That being said my main questions are:

1. New or used from a dealer (I've completely ruled out private party)

2. Hot Springs Envoy or Bullfrog R7L or A7L (haven't wet tested Bull Frog and won't be able to for at least 6 months). We did wet test the Envoy and loved it. The captain chair is perfect for my wife and me and I loved the lounger.

3. Will I love it since it is my own and I don't have to worry about dirty water or hot temp - btw - my wife has been begging for one for years but at $13,500 before electrical work, tax, etc its a huge investment for a depreciable luxury item

4. What questions should I be asking the dealer about the tub? I don't know what I don't know.

My local dealers are HS, Bullfrog, Jacuzzi, Caldera, and Dakspa. HS sells the most but they also seem to be the most expensive for everything overall. Each dealer I went compared themselves to HS and bad mouthed HS. They didn't compare themselves to any of the other brands. They all talked poorly of salt water (including HS until I showed interest in a new tub and then of course salt water has come so far, so many improvements, blah blah blah). Based on the dealer feedback and the blatant bad mouthing of HS that lead me to believe that HS must make a great spa - haters gonna hate on the dog in town.

I'm open to any and all suggestions and am even fine with hearing "don't waste your money on a hot tub".

« Last Edit: August 13, 2020, 04:15:56 pm by Walleye206 »

Hot Tub Forum

Hot Tub Virgins/1st Timers
« on: August 13, 2020, 04:07:38 pm »


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Re: Hot Tub Virgins/1st Timers
« Reply #1 on: August 13, 2020, 05:11:17 pm »
$13,500 is a good price on an Envoy.  If that is the hot tub you are sold on I would jump on it since if that one sells it very well could be 2021 before you would see another one. 

I sell Hot Spring and Caldera and I am a fan of the salt system.  Every Hot Spring now has a different salt system that what you were talking about in the older models.  I've learned that my competitors will talk down about salt and the main reasons in my opinion are that they cannot offer it and they are not the most educated on the system.  As a dealer, I worry about selling my brands and not bad mouthing the competition.  I'm selling you on myself and my product.  I'll gladly compare and show respect when its due, but I won't badmouth. 

Hot Spring, Caldera, Bullfrog and Jacuzzi are all quality hot tubs.  Since you are going to have a hard time wet testing right now I would buy from the dealer that appears capable of best taking care of you after the sale.  Envoy is a great hot tub but I cannot tell you if you will like it. 

The Wizard of Spas

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Re: Hot Tub Virgins/1st Timers
« Reply #2 on: August 13, 2020, 07:32:18 pm »
I'd take water temp and water chemistry out of the equation - You can put the temp at the desired setting on any spa, and sanitizers are so numerous and every dealer has lots of options, and the "feel" of salt can be achieved other ways.  Consider:  You like BRAND X but they don't do salt.  Would you decide to by BRAND Y that is not as comfortable but does offer salt? 

The brands you are looking at are all reputable.  Honestly if you and your wife sat in a Hot Springs and like it - that seems to be the answer and the rest are just details.  Don't overthink it.  Your own personal comfort is what you're buying this for.  Chemistry is something that seems like a big deal in the buying process but a veteran will tell you that if you can keep the water balanced and everything tends to be fine. 

Not knocking salt.  Just saying that you need to prioritize comfort ahead of all things and note that comfort has way more value than any combination of any other factors in the decision.  The sanitization and chemistry aspects are almost universal (sub salt for minerals, or this or that or the next.  Most people who do their water correctly don't know the difference between sanitizers). 

The value to you is that the tub that seems to have checked all the boxes in the "comfort" section also has salt.  So there you go!  I think you have your answer already as to the brand and model. 

Hope this helps.  Good luck moving forward.

Red MC

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Re: Hot Tub Virgins/1st Timers
« Reply #3 on: August 14, 2020, 10:25:38 am »
I'm surprised that you have a local dealer with a new hot tub arriving that isn't already sold.  Even more surprising is that it's an Envoy, which you wet tested and liked.  Talk about serendipity.


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Re: Hot Tub Virgins/1st Timers
« Reply #4 on: August 14, 2020, 12:07:04 pm »
Well the tub i was looking at sold - but they have the exact tub coming in next week. Tub would have the salt system and ozone both installed as the dealer said that has worked the best for them, cover cradle 2, steps, and balancing chemicals for $13,500 USD. Sound system would be a $1000 add on include the two speakers, sub, and bluethooth. I'm pretty sold on the tub, is the sound system worth an extra grand? I have bluetooth speakers that are water proof and put out good sound I paid $60 for. Does this sound system hold up to the cold?



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Re: Hot Tub Virgins/1st Timers
« Reply #5 on: August 14, 2020, 12:14:11 pm »

I believe it has the new salt system in it but I haven't clarified that. Do all the new HS Highlife tubs come with it standard? Is the other option to use an ozone system and chemicals like a non saltwater tub? Which way is preferred by users? As my dealer tells me it is personal preference.

Understand that salt is turned to chlorine. Using chlorine or using a salt chlorine generator is still chlorine.


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Re: Hot Tub Virgins/1st Timers
« Reply #6 on: August 14, 2020, 12:33:30 pm »
Well the tub i was looking at sold - but they have the exact tub coming in next week. Tub would have the salt system and ozone both installed as the dealer said that has worked the best for them, cover cradle 2, steps, and balancing chemicals for $13,500 USD. Sound system would be a $1000 add on include the two speakers, sub, and bluethooth. I'm pretty sold on the tub, is the sound system worth an extra grand? I have bluetooth speakers that are water proof and put out good sound I paid $60 for. Does this sound system hold up to the cold?


I sell the tub itself for about $15k with salt.  The sounds system upcharge is also super cheap.  I normally charge $1500 for that, but I don't recommend it.  I'd say buy if before you lose out.

27 week lead time on Highlife Hot Spring Spas right now if you miss out


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Re: Hot Tub Virgins/1st Timers
« Reply #7 on: August 14, 2020, 05:00:33 pm »
Ended up pulling the trigger today. Now just need to find a reasonable electrician. Tub is supposed to arrive next week! Now to learn water care. 😀


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Re: Hot Tub Virgins/1st Timers
« Reply #8 on: August 14, 2020, 08:56:00 pm »
Ended up pulling the trigger today. Now just need to find a reasonable electrician. Tub is supposed to arrive next week! Now to learn water care. 😀

Seems like you got a great deal on it as well. Enjoy it. I’m looking forward to fall and winter to get more use out of my tub (also in the Northeast). I love the salt/ ozone combo on my hot tub and I’m sure you will love yours!

Red MC

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Re: Hot Tub Virgins/1st Timers
« Reply #9 on: August 15, 2020, 12:37:24 pm »
Lucky you are.  Congrats!


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Re: Hot Tub Virgins/1st Timers
« Reply #10 on: August 19, 2020, 05:07:29 pm »
Congrats! The Envoy is an amazing spa. Being transparent I sell Hot Spring but that salt system is fantastic. The maintenance is about a third of what it is with chlorine spas . You will love the Envoy, its my personal favorite spa out there!


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Re: Hot Tub Virgins/1st Timers
« Reply #11 on: August 21, 2020, 06:40:45 pm »
Ended up pulling the trigger today. Now just need to find a reasonable electrician. Tub is supposed to arrive next week! Now to learn water care. 😀

super lucky to get a premium spa like that in a week, congrats...between now and Xmas basically I think I have about 129 spas arriving...128 of them are sold lol


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Re: Hot Tub Virgins/1st Timers
« Reply #12 on: August 21, 2020, 06:53:23 pm »
Didn't arrive yesterday - I guess yesterday was the shipping date, and not the arrival date. My sales guy said he didn't hear of any delays, so he thinks it Madeira out yesterday. Not sure how long they take to ship to North Dakota.


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Re: Hot Tub Virgins/1st Timers
« Reply #13 on: August 22, 2020, 04:31:11 pm »
Didn't arrive yesterday - I guess yesterday was the shipping date, and not the arrival date. My sales guy said he didn't hear of any delays, so he thinks it Madeira out yesterday. Not sure how long they take to ship to North Dakota.

there's a few variables but it's usually 2-5 days to receive a load once it ships in my experience depending on how far of course, and if the truck has to make any other stops along the way.


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Re: Hot Tub Virgins/1st Timers
« Reply #14 on: August 23, 2020, 12:55:35 am »

Awesome - thanks BullFrog - I'm going to assume you are based in Minneapolis? If so I just spent the day there down and back!

Hot Tub Forum

Re: Hot Tub Virgins/1st Timers
« Reply #14 on: August 23, 2020, 12:55:35 am »


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