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Try it! I got about 15% done with the test in about an hour.......... Then tried this method and finished in 20 minutes.................
I did the on-line school a few years ago...... From what I could tell they all looked pretty much the same.The test is suposed to take 8 hours *GULP*............ The way it works, you read a paragraph, then answert a question, clicking one of 4 multipul choice answers..Ok, so here's the deal. DON'T read the paragraph! Read the first 2 answers only. They will tell you what the paragraph was about. Remember, ONLY read the first 2 answers. If one of them sounds like the correct answer click it. If neither do, click any of the other two answers. If you get the answer wrong, click your back button and try another answer..Try it! I got about 15% done with the test in about an hour.......... Then tried this method and finished in 20 minutes.................