Hi there, I hate to be the guy posting the same question that has been answered a million times. But I'm at a loss and really don't want to have to call a tech.
I have a Jacuzzi Premium J-340 Model #ZD400GLD Serial #ZD100075251
After a fuse blew during a storm, I replaced it, drained the tub and refilled it since it needed it. I turn on the GFCI again and the fuse holds, but I have the FL1 error. No problem, right? Just some air bubbles. I guess not.
I've tried
1. I unscrewed the pipe fittings around the two pumps to release air. No hissing sounds at all.
2. Tried the hose trick. There are two filters so I tried it on the one without a grate and one with. When I tried it with the one with a grate a ton of air bubbles came out of the footwell. Eventually it was just a tiny bubble every 10 seconds or so and I called it good. No luck. Unfortunately there is
no pressure when I put my hand over the intake with a grate. That doesn't seem right.
3. I tried plunging the two filter inlets.
4. Restarted the tub a bunch.
5. Tried started with no filters in.
6. Checked the impeller for clogging. Nothing. Clean as a whistle.
7. Checked circulation pump for vibration. It seems to be humming away but it was hard to tell. It wasn't as hot as I expected it to be. No suction over the filter with a grate is making me think it's shot/malfunctioning.
All the jets work except one or two in a set on one corner. Waterfall works.
I don't really understand how to check the flow switch, so maybe I need to replace that?
Or throw in the towel and call the techs.