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Author Topic: Gecko Setpoint stays at 60  (Read 2384 times)


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Gecko Setpoint stays at 60
« on: February 19, 2017, 11:14:04 am »
Hi Everyone,

First time posting here. I have a Canspa 844 hot tub and am hoping someone could help. We have had this for the last 7 years and have enjoyed it but seem to have a reoccurring problem with the Gecko controls. My control panel shows no alarms of any sort. Two years ago the temperature set point would sit at 60-62 degrees. If I held the temp up button it would climb up and the heater symbol would go on but as soon as I took my finger off it would drop back to the 60-62 setting.
I replaced the control pad( 400.00 Can, ouch) the first time and everything worked well. Now two years later the exact same problem is occurring again.
I have verified that the heater works with a voltage meter when the symbol in present on the LCD panel.
The pressure switch is ohm reading correctly when the pumps turn on.
All fuses check ok.
I took the old board apart and cannot see anything wrong.

Am I missing something? Can anyone provide any advice? I do not want to call in a service guy yet as the last one suggested we start with a board and it obviously wasn't the issue. I know that there are a lot of good service people out there but usually I manage to do my own repairs.


Hot Tub Forum

Gecko Setpoint stays at 60
« on: February 19, 2017, 11:14:04 am »


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