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I have a 2005 Artesian Island Grand Cayman tub and had to replace the foot jets and did that recently and got to looking at all the jets available. The tub has mostly 4 inchish (they seem to measure a little larger than 4 inches) roto jets and was wondering about replacing the jets in some of the seats.So my questions are: Since they are a little larger - should a 4 inch jet fit? Is there much of a difference in a roto vs twin roto vs pulse vs ... There are about 5 different jets in that size - is there a difference in feel? Now the technical part - other than some the jets popping out themselves when the tub was new they have never been off - how do you remove them? I've watched a video on a Sundance and the person said turn the jet counterclockwise to turn off the jet and turn a little more and it will come out. I've read to turn them counterclockwise (not sure if it was turning the jet on or off) but my jets turn off clockwise - am I turning the jets off and going a little further or am I turning them counterclockwise and then going a little further? I'm so confused!!! Maybe the first question should be what I asked 2nd second! If it doesn't matter then who cares if they fit LOL!!!
Since you have a Artesian not sure why your watching a Sundance video, they are different jets. Artesian if I remember right you turn counter clockwise while doing that pull on the jet at the same time and they should come out. When ordering jets you need to measure the face, the critical thing is to make sure the back end of your jet matches the jet you want to buy. With waterway there are quite a few styles. Also I found spinner jets never last as long as just directional type, but the spinner jets have gotten better over the years with no bearings. When you put the new jet back in make sure you line up the little tab on the back side of the face to the groove that is in the jet back. just push it straight in no turning and you will usually hear a click. http://www.spadepot.com/shop/Jet-Internals-C700.aspx
The jets in my tub turn counter clockwise to remove. Sometimes they can be hard to remove so after turning as far counterclockwise as I can I then insert a flat head screwdriver into a little notch on the side of the jet and ever so gently pry up. It takes very minimal force to remove them using the screwdriver, at least mine do anyway.On a side note, I remove my jets and clean them during every water change. Not sure if you need to or not but I noticed gunk around mine so I added that to the cleaning procedure after my 3'd or 4th water change.
No sir, I have no idea. Our tub is a Hawkeye Eclipse, it's one of the cheaper tubs you can get. How do you tell what brand the jets are?
Vinny, just googled my jet number and they are Waterway. I took a picture or two to show you the notches however I can't seem to figure out how to do the attachment here?