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Author Topic: Looking for big hot tub, many choices and big fluctuation in prices...why?  (Read 14306 times)


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Hi all! Let me start off by saying I'm new to the site (although I've been browsing for a few days) and new to hot tubs in general (although I love sitting in them) so forgive me if I repeat something already posted or sound naive. Anyway, I am looking to buy a big hot tub (7+) and noticed a big fluctuation in price between the tubs I've researched and I'm not sure why (and unfortunately nearly every dealer in my area does not have the tub I’m looking at in stock to wet test). They all seem nice from pics and specs and seem to have around the same features (ie led lights, speakers) so I guess what I'm looking for is a possible reason to pay the extra money (or not) or a recommendation from someone who has wet tested these as to why one is better than the other.  Thanks in advance!
-Bullfrog A8
Price: $10499 with cover, steps, chemicals and delivery

-Artesian Spas Isla Margharita
Price: $10500 with led lighting, pillowfall, tranquility fall, clear footblasters, crystal AOP, Crystal ProPure Ozone, Ozonator, cover, steps chemicals and delivery

-Artesian Spas Pelican Bay
Price: $11300 with dyna lights and crystal AOP, includes cover, steps, chemicals, delivery

-Artesian Spas Bimini
Price: $11300 with led lighting, pillowfall, cascading waterfall, crystal AOP, Crystal ProPure Ozone, Ozonator, cover, steps chemicals and delivery

-Caldera Spa Cantabria
Price: $11899 with cover, steps, chemicals and delivery

-L.A. Spa’s H2 Paradise
Price: $ 12740 with cover, steps, chemicals and delivery

-Hot Springs Grandee NXT
Price: $13399 with cover, steps, chemicals and delivery

-Hot Springs Gleam
Price: $ 13600 with cover, steps, chemicals and delivery

-Jacuzzi J-495
Price: $15499 with cover, steps, chemicals and delivery

-Master Spa’s Legend LSX 900
Price: $16880 with afterglow lights, stone siding, cover, steps, chemicals and delivery

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We have a Master Spa LSX800.  We paid $10,900.  Seems like you should be able to do better than the $16,000+ price you were quoted for the next model up.  That being said, we love this hot tub!


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Thanks for the input! Yes, I really like the way the lsx 900 looks from the pictures and videos (they didn't have one in stock) but you're right the 16k+ price tag seemed steep when compared to the Caldera Cantabria, Artesian Pelican bay/bimini/Isla Margharita and LA Spas H2 which are all similarly equipped (i.e. have a lounger, led lighting, waterfalls and around the same amount of jets). Really with hearing what you paid for the lsx 800 it sounds like the dealer in my area has a really steep markup (and possibly the same w/ jacuzzi?) so I'm probably going to lean towards one of the models from Caldera, Artesian or LA Spas (especially since i can't wet test them) so I'd like to get input on any of those if someone has it. Thanks!


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The prices on that Bullfrog and those Artesians are very good deals.


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You've got quite a list but that's better than someone who only looks at one or two. Personally I like Caldera, Hot Spring and Jaccuzi from your list. I wouldn't put LA or Master high on my list but Artesian and Bullfrog are good brands but its really up to you to see what each has to offer, what you're looking for, how good the dealers seem to be and what kind of deal you can get. Don't be afraid to wet test.
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Re: Looking for big hot tub, many choices and big fluctuation in prices...why?
« Reply #5 on: February 25, 2016, 10:49:05 am »
Quick question.  I was just quoted really high for a Pelican Bay; honestly it seemed out of line for a dealer who's been in business for so long.

Crystal Pro Pure
Frog System
Dyna Brite LED

$16,999 for spa, delivery, cover, chemicals, install.  That seems WAY high to everything I've been seeing.  Are the new 2016 models really that high or this dealer just insane?


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Re: Looking for big hot tub, many choices and big fluctuation in prices...why?
« Reply #6 on: February 25, 2016, 02:33:31 pm »
Have you wet tested any?  The prices that jump out to me as the best value are the bullfrog, the cantabria and the grandee nxt. Artesian I'm not familiar with. La spas I had a good deal of issues with them when I sold them but they have bought out so I'm sure things are different. The biggest ripoff I see us the master. I personally wouldn't pay 10k for that tub and they are asking almost 17k. Laughable almost but unfortunately not surprising


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Re: Looking for big hot tub, many choices and big fluctuation in prices...why?
« Reply #7 on: February 25, 2016, 05:26:07 pm »
Have you wet tested any?  The prices that jump out to me as the best value are the bullfrog, the cantabria and the grandee nxt. Artesian I'm not familiar with. La spas I had a good deal of issues with them when I sold them but they have bought out so I'm sure things are different. The biggest ripoff I see us the master. I personally wouldn't pay 10k for that tub and they are asking almost 17k. Laughable almost but unfortunately not surprising

I initially went to this dealer looking to see the cantabria, as they're listed as a dealer, but he said they no longer stock them. Can still order and sell, but don't stock or offer wet testing.

I tried to wet test a dimension amore bay, but that dealer simply said "no, we dont offer testing," and that was that.   I def won't be buying from them.


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Re: Looking for big hot tub, many choices and big fluctuation in prices...why?
« Reply #8 on: February 25, 2016, 05:36:55 pm »
Have you wet tested any?  The prices that jump out to me as the best value are the bullfrog, the cantabria and the grandee nxt. Artesian I'm not familiar with. La spas I had a good deal of issues with them when I sold them but they have bought out so I'm sure things are different. The biggest ripoff I see us the master. I personally wouldn't pay 10k for that tub and they are asking almost 17k. Laughable almost but unfortunately not surprising

exactly this...Bullfrog A8, Caldera Cantabria, or Grandee NXT would be my 3 top choices......Artesian I've heard is a decent brand but in 13+ years in this business I've never worked on, sold, or sold against the brand so I'm just going off what other industry professionals say...Master I'd avoid like the plague...Jacuzzi has enough opinion out there on the brand, I personally think they make some of the ugliest "bulbous" tubs that are also energy "hogs" on the market based on what I've monitored here in MN, but that's mostly personal preference

The Wizard of Spas

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Re: Looking for big hot tub, many choices and big fluctuation in prices...why?
« Reply #9 on: February 25, 2016, 06:50:36 pm »
I deal in Artesian Spas but instead of pushing that brand I want to expand on what HotTubGuy said:  Have you wet tested any?  If you are not comfortable in the unit are you even going to listen to the benefits of the brand?  Your list is long:  Shorten it by eliminating uncomfortable units and then consider the dealer.  Dealers are half the equation.  Are they reputable?  Do they service the brand?  How long have they sold the brand?  Will this brand be available at your dealer in a year? 5 years?  Will the dealer even be in business in a year or 5?

It is good to ask about brands.  But dont forget to remember if the tubs preform the way you want them to in terms of physical comfort and hydrotherapy.  And do not forget to do your research on the dealer.  Once you narrow your list down to, say, 3 or 4 units, then start splitting hairs on the units/brands themselves.

Remember- If you don't know what you DO want, figure out what you DON'T want and see what is left over.  That is my motto that I tell every single one of my customers and it makes for an easier decision-making process.  I'll let a client know that I can talk to them until I am blue in the face about how good my brand is but if they are not comfortable in my tubs, the point is moot. 

I hope this helps.  Good luck moving forward.

The Wizard of Spas

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Re: Looking for big hot tub, many choices and big fluctuation in prices...why?
« Reply #10 on: February 25, 2016, 06:56:12 pm »
Forgot this:

Try the Isla Margarita Elite vs the Pelican Bay if you are looking at Artesian Spas.  Has just about all the same features and water movement in the same size but should be cheaper.   The Platinum Elite Line is fantastic, but The Island Elite line is really such a better value overall.  Unless you're absolutely in love with the Pelican Bay I'd check in on the Isla Margarita and see if you can go cheaper w/o sacrificing much of anything. 

Sorry for the double post, guys.  Just forgot to add that to the specific question raised today.


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Re: Looking for big hot tub, many choices and big fluctuation in prices...why?
« Reply #11 on: February 26, 2016, 08:05:33 pm »
I second the Wizard, we have had our Isla Margarita Elite a little over a month and love it. Got it fully loaded except the stereo for $10,200 OTD. (Southern California) We tested and researched many tubs/manufacturers and The Artesian shown through with the best quality/value combination. If you go with Artesian, I strongly recommend the Crystal AOP with nature 2 stick option, very easy to maintain and no water issues so far.


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Re: Looking for big hot tub, many choices and big fluctuation in prices...why?
« Reply #12 on: February 27, 2016, 06:10:27 pm »
Quick question.  I was just quoted really high for a Pelican Bay; honestly it seemed out of line for a dealer who's been in business for so long.

Crystal Pro Pure
Frog System
Dyna Brite LED

$16,999 for spa, delivery, cover, chemicals, install.  That seems WAY high to everything I've been seeing.  Are the new 2016 models really that high or this dealer just insane?

Do we know that a year has gone by? I hope they made their decision? Why did we resurrect? A question from "htnj" What was that question?
Quick question.  I was just quoted really high for a Pelican Bay; honestly it seemed out of line for a dealer who's been in business for so long.

Crystal Pro Pure
Frog System
Dyna Brite LED

$16,999 for spa, delivery, cover, chemicals, install.  That seems WAY high to everything I've been seeing.  Are the new 2016 models really that high or this dealer just insane?

Yea that seems a bit high. Can you eliminate some options and beat the dealer up a bit? Might of been better to start a new thread htnj. Got a bit of sales flyin around there....


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Re: Looking for big hot tub, many choices and big fluctuation in prices...why?
« Reply #13 on: February 29, 2016, 10:09:35 am »
Quick question.  I was just quoted really high for a Pelican Bay; honestly it seemed out of line for a dealer who's been in business for so long.

Crystal Pro Pure
Frog System
Dyna Brite LED

$16,999 for spa, delivery, cover, chemicals, install.  That seems WAY high to everything I've been seeing.  Are the new 2016 models really that high or this dealer just insane?

Do we know that a year has gone by? I hope they made their decision? Why did we resurrect? A question from "htnj" What was that question?
Quick question.  I was just quoted really high for a Pelican Bay; honestly it seemed out of line for a dealer who's been in business for so long.

Crystal Pro Pure
Frog System
Dyna Brite LED

$16,999 for spa, delivery, cover, chemicals, install.  That seems WAY high to everything I've been seeing.  Are the new 2016 models really that high or this dealer just insane?

Yea that seems a bit high. Can you eliminate some options and beat the dealer up a bit? Might of been better to start a new thread htnj. Got a bit of sales flyin around there....

My apologies, I can start a new thread.  I was just asking if that price seemed very high or  not


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2016 prices went up.  There are some new features, jets, cabinet, etc.  There was an increase in features to go with those prices.

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