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Topic: Existing Owners - Electrical Inquiry (Read 3921 times)
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Existing Owners - Electrical Inquiry
July 09, 2004, 12:47:52 am »
Before I consult/hire and electrician to come out and hook-up our tub, I was hoping for some feedback from existing owners and their experience getting this step completed.
First - How long did the electrician take to do your hookup
Second - What was the cost including materials and labour
Third - If you are also Canadian, what permits and/or codes applied to you if any
Any information would be appreciated so I could be better prepared when I go to hire an electrican - and if anyone has any tips on this topic I would greatly appreciate them.
Thanks in Advance!
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Existing Owners - Electrical Inquiry
July 09, 2004, 12:47:52 am »
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Re: Existing Owners - Electrical Inquiry
Reply #1 on:
July 09, 2004, 01:50:23 am »
To answer your inquiry:
Before I consult/hire and electrician to come out and hook-up our tub, I was hoping for some feedback from existing owners and their experience getting this step completed.
First - How long did the electrician take to do your hookup
Every hook up is different. It took 4 hours, we put a tester on the line after the tub was running to see what amperage it was drawing with the heater, all pumps and ozinator operating at the same time (34 amps). I have a small service, 100 amps total and I had to choose a tub which would not overload my total service. The alternative would have been to put a 200 amp service into the house at considerable expense. It turned out great
Second - What was the cost including materials and labour
$800 Canadian which included 70 feet of tech cable, 50 AMP GFI and Box and new breaker in main box.
Third - If you are also Canadian, what permits and/or codes applied to you if any
I am Canadian, Living in Coquitlam B.C. I did not require a permit however every municipality or city may have different requirements
Any information would be appreciated so I could be better prepared when I go to hire an electrican - and if anyone has any tips on this topic I would greatly appreciate them.
Tip: It is very important that the wire used is sized correctly and is the correct type, also the placement of the GFI Box is placed according to code, usually ten feet from the Spa. Check with your Dealer for the Electrical requirement for your specific Spa and get it in writing.
Regards, Zz
Last Edit: July 09, 2004, 01:59:09 am by ZzTop
Re: Existing Owners - Electrical Inquiry
Reply #2 on:
July 09, 2004, 04:01:07 am »
Installation costs may vary considerably, depending on distances, wire and conduit sizes, and special needs. I installed 80 feet of AWG 2 for 100 amps to my new GFCI box, and 40 feet of AWG 6 for 60 amps to the tub, all in conduit and raintight fittings, as required by the NEC. The Square D 60 amp QO GFCI breaker costs about $120 - 150 alone. My total costs were about $2,000. I'd expect a minimal indoor installation would cost about $300. Conduit and fittings for an exterior installation would add perhaps $300 more at a minimum.
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Re: Existing Owners - Electrical Inquiry
Reply #3 on:
July 09, 2004, 07:40:13 am »
I did my own also. My costs were probably in the $200 to $250 range. Plus I paid $40 for an electrical permit, but the permit also covered considerable electrical work I was doing in the basement, which is where I tapped into the house power.
For the spa, the only permit and inspection was for the electric. But I don't live in Canada, so your permit needs may be different.
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Re: Existing Owners - Electrical Inquiry
Reply #4 on:
July 09, 2004, 10:25:22 am »
Before I consult/hire and electrician to come out and hook-up our tub, I was hoping for some feedback from existing owners and their experience getting this step completed.
First - How long did the electrician take to do your hookup
Mine took about 3 hours for the hook-up. and an additional 6 hours of other work not tub associated.
Second - What was the cost including materials and labour
My cost was $850 taxes, labour and materials included. The materials were about 30' of wire, the breakers for the main panel, and all of teh fittings. The GFCI box came with the tub and included the 60amp breakers. I also had him do a number of other jobs which took about 6 hours and about $50 worth of materials. All in all a good deal
Third - If you are also Canadian, what permits and/or codes applied to you if any.
The Canadian Electrical Code managed by the Canadian Standards Association is what is legal in Canada. It is reference by each Province and Territory who has the legal jurisdiction which is then passed on at the local level. Although generally the same in application, the inspection or permits requirements will vary. Only your local utility or municipality will be able to answer that for you, but regardless of that your electrician will also know all of these answers.
Any information would be appreciated so I could be better prepared when I go to hire an electrican - and if anyone has any tips on this topic I would greatly appreciate them.
The best recommendation is to get quotes from electricians.
Thanks in Advance! You're welcome
Last Edit: July 09, 2004, 10:27:00 am by doodoo
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Re: Existing Owners - Electrical Inquiry
Reply #4 on:
July 09, 2004, 10:25:22 am »
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