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Rosie-----Can one of you in the fan club explain why sk 1 is the "ONLY" way to test voltage at the heater?
Serjiocal----In sk 2 is there any instance when the meter would read 110?
Ace---What DOES sk 3 confirm?
Though it would be EXTREMELY rare, #2 could read 110v if element had a direct short to ground.
Not to stir the pot but I find it hilarious that this was posted on another forum as a "tell me if I'm right about these sketches being goofy" question.... I got a good laugh when I saw that pop up on the other forum I was perusing last nite and today when another unrelated party mentioned the thermostat:http://www.diychatroom.com/f18/sketch-relevance-212234/Guess the interwebs aren't so big
Do you think that maybe you should check the thermostatic control---prior to deciding that the heater is bad?
Without power, check resistance. But as I said this gets tricky. Can you tell us what brand of heater? Could be listed as part of the control pac? Can you disassemble it? Get the tube in your hand? Different sizes of heaters have different resistance values and while your getting resistance between the terminals whats the right resistance? Follow? Follow??? LOL, I know my trade well, and if you are a professional....you are able to decipher all this out I will presume. One of these days, this forum is going to get a complete novice electrocuted by giving them advise to do something they should never attempt.