Boy this thread seems pretty derailed. The topic is hot tub nightmare, any tub can be a nightmare. Its wrong to state a dealer issue (or lack of a reliable dealer) as a manufacturers issue, advertising the brand to the general public as the problem is very misleading. I cant see how something could go so drastically wrong that the tub needs to be taken away, I wish I was your dealer I'd have you guys right as rain. Believe me, components like jets go all the time, motherboards go too, usually in about 10 years though. (BTW your motherboard installed should only be about $650 actually). I'm in Edmonton frequently as I'm originally from there and all my friends have bought their tubs from me so I do their repairs while I'm on vacation lol. What did that $1100 bill have on it. It sounds like your heater kicked the bucket tripping the breaker and, because it was so cold, one of the pump pipes burst and drained the tub. Why was it so expensive, what was on the invoice? So much of this post doesn't make sense to me and I would love to help, PM me if there are ongoing issues and I'll send you my shops phone#.