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I'm also looking at a Bullfrog model, and the warranty is somewhat disappointing compared to other's, plus the dealer said they had no way to purchase any extended warranty. Sure wish they had a way to pay up for a better warranty as the Bullfrog looks nice and the custom jets are a plus. My wet testing will come later after I've looked and gotten more info on hot tubs/spas. Make sure to do the wet tests like the others recommend once you've got your search narrowed down. However, do go and ask dealers questions as well.Bullfrog did tell me that my concrete slab needed to be at least 6 to 8 inches...and for my area I plan to have it in a screen in porched because of mosqitos....
I was quoted "6 inch slab" by the BullFrog dealer in Clear Lake. My husband can verify this. Was just out there this past weekend.