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Did it change or am I just an idiot?
I've looked through your files on that computer, and no I don't think your an idiot, but boy what I could tell this forum.
YOu can sort the messages by clicking on SUBJECT OR DATE, or SENDER to get them in a particular order. That can help you delete multiple ones. If you can get a bunch in order that you want to delete, click on the first one, hold the shift key down and click on the last one, and when they are all highlighted press delete. Or you can just hold the control key down while clicking on the ones you want to delete, highlight a bunch and then hit delete.
Brooke,you do have at the top of your christmas list,a nice "family" spa,correct?
Mine will no longer let me sort and there are no longer the little boxes that allowed me to check which ones I wanted to delete like before. I can't seem to get it to highlight multiple ones. If I click on one it just automatically pops up the do you want to delete this message Yes or Cancel... I don't have the opportunity to select any others. If I just highlight over several message and hit remove, on the one that I hit remove on actually deletes.I know I used to be able to do this. I don't understand why I can't get it to work now.
What software are you using? You should be able to go into options and change it so that you can see the list without openning the messages.
That is what I was going to ask. Please don't say AOL. AOL users get what they deserve!
Wow, you get a lot of PM's. What's up with that?
People like me, they really like me.