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Author Topic: VORTEX Spas from Canada  (Read 150078 times)

Jacuzzi Jim

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Re: VORTEX Spas from Canada
« Reply #105 on: December 20, 2013, 04:03:46 pm »
 Tman is pretty much right on.   

 Looking at their website, it is just another hot tub, nothing special about it...   Waterway jets, Gecko equipment and plumbing..  Really no different than many in the market.    All they really did was copy everybody else for the most part and built a spa.

   Glad you are happy with it, but it's nothing special in regards to what it does..  If you think it does, I would love to hear what you have to say about it.. 

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Re: VORTEX Spas from Canada
« Reply #105 on: December 20, 2013, 04:03:46 pm »

Ryan VSO

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Re: VORTEX Spas from Canada
« Reply #106 on: December 20, 2013, 05:48:38 pm »
Dont worry Tom , some peple are just worthless to argue with , you are one of our custumer who explained your experience and we thank you for that . Those trolls come in this forum with their negative attitude and post in thread they should not. Waterway jets .... wow you really know what your talking about mate keep up the good work :P .

Vortex Spas is an high end product just like hot spring , jacuzzi etc ... Its new to the north american market and yes we are special because instead of using dealers to sell this product at an average 8000 $ we sell them online for 6000 $ wich is something that jacuzzi or hot spring cant do because their hand are tied with this dealer network .

Just like any store , some transactions goes well and some dont , its the same for online sales except that your % of risk is higher if you dont work with the right people . And to be honest I dont know for wich company you do repair hot tuba but just by your attitude I would never hire you or give you any of our calls. We use gecko technicians only and im pretty sure you are not certified by them .

Now if you could post all your negativism reply on another forum you would do everyone a favor .

this topic is for vortex spas review. thanks


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Re: VORTEX Spas from Canada
« Reply #107 on: December 20, 2013, 06:44:47 pm »

 Talking to dealers about service issues and manufacturer reps about changes in shell materials, insulation products and components.



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Re: VORTEX Spas from Canada
« Reply #108 on: December 20, 2013, 06:51:44 pm »

 Talking to dealers about service issues and manufacturer reps about changes in shell materials, insulation products and components.

Tman, what is your opinion of Aristech acrylics? 

Jacuzzi Jim

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Re: VORTEX Spas from Canada
« Reply #109 on: December 20, 2013, 06:52:48 pm »
   After watching your video it sounds like marketing BS and terminology.  Thermo spas did the same thing in their late night commercials, they may still be running.      What you have done is taken things that other company's have already done, and called it your own..   Is that a bad thing, no many others do it as well but to imply that you came up with it is a joke..   

  You may very well build a nice spa, but trying to ride on the backs of high end mfg, specially when you feel the need to point it out on your website.. 

  Now back to your video, most uneducated spa consumers will look at it and go WOW, what a great spa!   Trolls like us that have been in the industry probably longer than you, can see through the BS..    Again you took a few spa company's ideas re-branded them and called it your own.  One difference in trying to compare yourself to company's like Hot Spring and Jacuzzi or Artic is you haven't earned it.   That takes years and years, oh and years of being in business and taking care of the consumer and the dealer.. 

    Good luck to you as many company's such as yourself have come and gone over the years.. 

  As far as being a "Gecko" trained tech,  When we carried Artesian spa's many moons ago, I became one and was trained by the people at Gecko at a seminar in Vegas..   Most of their chit is if you can't fix it,  yank it out and replace it...   
« Last Edit: December 20, 2013, 06:59:45 pm by Jacuzzi Jim »


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Re: VORTEX Spas from Canada
« Reply #110 on: December 20, 2013, 07:04:50 pm »
What is your opinion of Aristech acrylics?


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Re: VORTEX Spas from Canada
« Reply #111 on: December 20, 2013, 07:09:43 pm »
Anyone have any opinions on this company and their product?

Jacuzzi Jim

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Re: VORTEX Spas from Canada
« Reply #112 on: December 20, 2013, 07:15:26 pm »
What is your opinion of Aristech acrylics?

  Don't really know that much about them, I am sure they are fine.  It's not always about the acrylic but how it is formed and backed..  when made into the actual shell..    Most are vacuumed formed then come out inspected for defects and placed on an assembly line to move on to the next process..     Vortex claims his or hers come out of the oven and are climate cooled or some BS, they like most others are placed upside down on a cart and get in line with the others waiting to be assembled.     But then his or hers are special, so they are hand rubbed with fine silk from Singapore..
« Last Edit: December 20, 2013, 07:17:34 pm by Jacuzzi Jim »


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Re: VORTEX Spas from Canada
« Reply #113 on: December 20, 2013, 09:48:05 pm »
I'm glad you found a tub that is right for you.  I'm also glad to see someone who is not afraid to speak his mind.  Good for you and enjoy your tub!

Jacuzzi Jim

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Re: VORTEX Spas from Canada
« Reply #114 on: December 20, 2013, 10:16:48 pm »

I respect the fact that many of you have so many years of experience in the industry but I fail to see how your opinions would help anyone considering this brand of tub if you have absolutely ZERO experience with this company or these particular tubs.  If you are a Hot Spring expert and I was in the market for a Hot Spring tub I'd value your opinion but in this case you have done nothing to educate me on what this tub is or is not and how could you if you have never even seen one.   I suppose you could take my original post and say SEE, THEY SUCK...  bully great.  How is that educating?  If my original post helps the company improve isn't that what it's all about?  Oh wait.  I was schooled, these blogs are really about dealers having a place to bitch at each other.  LOL  That did make me laugh.  Consumers read this stuff.  If you want to sell more tubs you may want to show them you have a genuine love for the industry instead of a narrow view of your own bottom line. 

That all being said.  If any of you "dealers" and especially any consumer want to know anything about MY tub just ask me.   I would be glad to tell you about my experience although I think I've covered it pretty extensively in here.  Come spring I'll make my own video so that there is more information out there for other consumers.  I really don't care what a dealer thinks.  What I care about are 1) the thing runs properly and so far... not a single problem  2) if I do have a problem the seller honors the agreement and makes things right... which so far they have 3) that I have a great experience with the product I purchased...  been in it pretty much every night for 6 mos.  No tub has ever kept me so satisfied to be honest 4) and this is purely an indulgence but I like the wow factor when people come over and see it or use it... and that has been more than the case.  The comments have been great!

So I think I'm done coming back to this thread because, to be honest, I'm not getting any useful information from the experts.  I'd find more reviews from other consumers more helpful.  It's been real! (really eye opening)

  I have a couple of questions, 1st  is the water hot?   If yes, great then.   2nd since you have the spa, and you seem to be happy with it, I am curious how much more information do you want from consumers about a spa you already bought?   3rd would be, why would you expect a HS dealer or any dealer  tell you about some vortex spa made in Canada or where ever the f--- they are built.   I know I wouldn't if you came in my showroom.  You think he is gonna say, jeez sounds like a heck of  deal you better go buy it right now, I can't beat those 80 jets or that price.     
 Good luck to you as well and vortex man, I am sure people will be coming her in droves to check out the coolest thing since the wheel was invented....


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Re: VORTEX Spas from Canada
« Reply #115 on: December 20, 2013, 10:47:39 pm »
Even if they are just like any other spa company or even a copy cat company, WHO CARES? 

So I got nothing to contribute huh?

So of us have experience in hundreds of brands and have seen as many come and go.

And I'm glad you feel like you saved an unbelievable amount of money.
« Last Edit: December 20, 2013, 10:53:13 pm by Tman122 »

Ryan VSO

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Re: VORTEX Spas from Canada
« Reply #116 on: December 20, 2013, 11:04:11 pm »
What is your opinion of Aristech acrylics?

Aristech acrylic buy their raw materials from lucite acrylic if that give you an idea. Whats expensive is the resin . I went to the manufscture myself and yes vortex put every shell in a controlled oven to get rid of the humidity. We are few to offer a non pro-rated shell warranty so we make sure to not have to replace them too often :)

Jacuzzi Jim

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Re: VORTEX Spas from Canada
« Reply #117 on: December 20, 2013, 11:49:42 pm »
  You know how many shells and or structures we have replaced in the 13 years of selling spa's, Artesian, Jacuzzi, Cal-spa and Freeflow?
   One spa actually enough said, and that was a freeflow roto-mold because the lady was 300+ lbs wearing on it getting in and out.    Shell failures in the world of "high end" or low end for the most part spa's is almost non existent.  I will comment on your jet warranty, be it waterway or whatever you use there are only so many, 5 years is very good, for what a jet cost a dealer why not.    Jets over the years have gotten better and better so that's a plus for everyone. 
  I looked at your website from top to btm, sure there is some information there but there is nothing that really convinced me your spa is any better than anyone else's in the middle range.   It's says its a hybrid  heater pump  but it doesn't say how it does it, best guess is it's what cal-spa did with the plastic union with finger type things to increase friction as water passes by.  It says the spa adjust to different climates but that's BS because a spa really can't do that. It also says it adjust to account for different power demands, which is nothing but being able to adjust filter cycles, pretty much all spas do that to some extent.   The heater info is all BS as most heaters really fail from either one electrical or 2 really bad water. Not because of the heater tube itself not being high grade 616 stainless or whatever that number is..   Lets talk ultra violet sanitation or mineral sticks again just another way to do it, it's not ground breaking stuff many are doing it..   Tell me I am wrong! 

 Btm line is I could and others can pick your spa and the marketing BS apart and call it for what it is BS, but honestly any really good sales guy can pick his competitor apart.  Really it's all marketing with every spa company, so I can't fault you on that some just have done it longer and better than most,  Sure your gonna sell your couple hundred spa's a year and I hope you make a profit.  And again I am sure you build a decent spa,  but you are riding on the backs of what many other mnfgs already do and have so for a long time...   And FWIW I have heard of a lot of spa's, I have never heard of yours and supposedly you have an outlet of some sorts in BC?  I am an hour away from there and we get many a Canadians down here looking at our spa's to take back, I have yet to have one mention vortex. Be that as it may I wish you luck.. 



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Re: VORTEX Spas from Canada
« Reply #118 on: December 21, 2013, 12:19:38 am »
Hi , I Am from Canada and I have purchased the Palladium from Vortex Spas which I have received 1 month ago . I first came to this forum as I was searching for reviews and was worried when I saw montana review but the rep on the phone explained me that this story was true and that vortex now crate their hot tub for the delivery . I was also worried about the delivery time  but they now guarantee it in 6 weeks and they have a 60 day no risk money back guarantee which looked fine on paper.

The hot tub arrived on the 5 th week , the shipping company made an appointment and I paid 175 $ in extra to bring it into my backyard . I have 5 kids and we wanted at least a 9 person hot tub . The palladium is very well designed and just like montana said , the jets massage is above anything else experimented in other brand like arctic ,  jacuzzi or dynasty. It does come fully loaded with 92 water jets ( no air jets which is very nice ) , 3 pumps and 1 circulation pump that is also use for the 'laminar jets' . I took the full light jet package and I dont regret to have paid for it .The rep told me that they were giving away the ''in.clear sanitation system which require maintenance once every 6 months , I was sceptic about it and ask them if I could go back to a regular chemical maintenance if I dont like it and they said yes so I said fine we will take it . I followed the instructions and since then I have not made any maintenance on my tub so I really enjoy it.

We had a flo error code when we first started the tub so we called vortex and they fixed the problem over the phone .. they changed the LL number which I have no idea whats for but it worked.

We went to many dealers , each of them was saying bad things about other dealers instead of promoting their brand so we decided to go online just for fun and found that company . We paid 10k instead of 14-15k at our local dealer , this is a huge price difference for a big family like us and even if we respect our local dealers and understand they need more margin to survive we decided to use that money to buy other stuff .

I will keep you posted if anything wrong happen but so far so good .

Ryan VSO

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Re: VORTEX Spas from Canada
« Reply #119 on: December 21, 2013, 12:33:45 am »
  You know how many shells and or structures we have replaced in the 13 years of selling spa's, Artesian, Jacuzzi, Cal-spa and Freeflow?
   One spa actually enough said, and that was a freeflow roto-mold because the lady was 300+ lbs wearing on it getting in and out.    Shell failures in the world of "high end" or low end for the most part spa's is almost non existent.  I will comment on your jet warranty, be it waterway or whatever you use there are only so many, 5 years is very good, for what a jet cost a dealer why not.    Jets over the years have gotten better and better so that's a plus for everyone. 
  I looked at your website from top to btm, sure there is some information there but there is nothing that really convinced me your spa is any better than anyone else's in the middle range.   It's says its a hybrid  heater pump  but it doesn't say how it does it, best guess is it's what cal-spa did with the plastic union with finger type things to increase friction as water passes by.  It says the spa adjust to different climates but that's BS because a spa really can't do that. It also says it adjust to account for different power demands, which is nothing but being able to adjust filter cycles, pretty much all spas do that to some extent.   The heater info is all BS as most heaters really fail from either one electrical or 2 really bad water. Not because of the heater tube itself not being high grade 616 stainless or whatever that number is..   Lets talk ultra violet sanitation or mineral sticks again just another way to do it, it's not ground breaking stuff many are doing it..   Tell me I am wrong! 

 Btm line is I could and others can pick your spa and the marketing BS apart and call it for what it is BS, but honestly any really good sales guy can pick his competitor apart.  Really it's all marketing with every spa company, so I can't fault you on that some just have done it longer and better than most,  Sure your gonna sell your couple hundred spa's a year and I hope you make a profit.  And again I am sure you build a decent spa,  but you are riding on the backs of what many other mnfgs already do and have so for a long time...   And FWIW I have heard of a lot of spa's, I have never heard of yours and supposedly you have an outlet of some sorts in BC?  I am an hour away from there and we get many a Canadians down here looking at our spa's to take back, I have yet to have one mention vortex. Be that as it may I wish you luck.. 


We dont plan to land a spa on the moon :p we have the opportunity to offer a product that can easily be compared to those big brand but at a lower cost , its a win-win between us and the custumer.

If you ask anyone in Australia or in NZ about vortex they will tell you that they are the biggest . We outsale jacuzzi and hot spring by far and we are actually selling our product at a higher price than them. World doesnt stop in north america mate you have to consider that jacuzzi is doing less than us everywhere else then in north america and there must be a reason for this . We just landed some containers in vancouver , if you wish to havea look at one of our unit so you can actually have a reason to post here I will set you up

Hot Tub Forum

Re: VORTEX Spas from Canada
« Reply #119 on: December 21, 2013, 12:33:45 am »


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