oh and just cause I feel like bustin chops today ;-)
from one of your threads I responded to on March 15
the price is very fair, I would easily sell that tub for 4-5k out of the showroom....as far as setup goes this is what I would do, don't take it as gospel just as my opinion....
1. obviously have it delivered and wired using a certified electrician (complete wiring diagram available on hotspring.com)
2. give it a light wipe down (don't go nuts on cleaning just yet, you'll see why below) fill it, and verify everything was wired correctly and working
3. take 6-8oz of your tap-water in a clean container to your local dealer
4. purchase 'Clean Start' its a "flush/purging" product made by the same company who makes Silk Balance...at the same time have them test your water and give start-up recommendations, I also recommend stocking up on chemicals at this point, let them know you'd appreciate a discount if you buy a half-year/years worth of chemicals....stick with the basics (chlorine granules, pH up/pH down, non-chlorine shock, test strips,
filter cleaner, a bag of clean start as mentioned above, and maybe some foam down to have on hand
5. get home and use the clean start as per the instructions on back (you will need a 5 gal. bucket for dilution purposes) and yes you will have to drain the water out but this way you will start 100% "fresh and clean" so to speak, once you've done the clean start and drained the spa you can now give it 1 more thorough cleaning/wipe-down
(also a good time to clean the filters if they need it)...hit all the nooks and crannies, behind the pillows, inside the filter compartment, etc.
6. refill the spa and add chemicals per your instructions you were given from the dealer (or post results on here and we can help you)
7. BOOM...your set, everything is 100% clean fresh and ready to roll inside and out so to speak
8. use the hell out of it ;-)