Anyone out there have a more recent model Sundance Optima? If so, how do you like it?
I’m leaning towards a Jacuzzi J470 but can get a really sweet deal on an Optima right now. Anyone wet test these two and have a preference? I did wet test both, the Optima a few months back and the J470 more recently.
My concerns with the Optima is the diverter system. When wet testing we all fought over who had the jets and we always seems to be taking from each other. I realize that during a wet test is different than real use, in a wet test it is all about the jets and power, whereas in reality you likely have the jets on only for part of the time.
Having one diverter control three seats seems awkward. Having another diverter control one seat and the foot dome also seems strange. If you want to use the captains seat with jets then nobody gets a foot massage. I realize you can put the diverter in the middle, but then nobody gets decent pressure.
I’m just looking for some feedback from owners and/or testers. Perhaps once I own the hot tub for a week I won’t even notice any of these things. On the flip side, perhaps I should cop up the additional funds and go with the J470.