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The "cloudiness" may be due to your boyfriends habits AND the method of treatment. RainForest Blue might be a good method...for some but others may benefit from a more "traditional" approach. I am with the others. Drain and refill using only di-chlor after each use (about a small capfull (1-2 tbsps) each time.However, the condition of the water may actually be more directly related to your hair care habits rather than his workout routines. Believe it or not, the hair product women typically employ can reek havoc with water treatment methods. Conditioner is particularly troublesome. If you (or he) washes your hair daily and use a conditioner or any type of gel to hold your hair, your compounding the problems. Some have tried to use less conditioner, or keep their hair out of the water or even to shower out the hair products BEFORE getting into the tubLastly - The RainForest Blue site states that you can "benefit" by using it in conjunction with the EcoONE water management system. I've seen these statements before and often wondered...WHY? In some cases, I think that you probably NEED to use BOTH systems in that tub in order to maintain water quality. My one question to the salesperson pushing the products would be "How would I KNOW if I needed both systems? What EXACTLY is one to look out for in order to determine if adding EcoONE to the process is REQUIRED?" If the answer comes back 'If in doubt, do both", I'd call BS on it. This isn't snake oil. You either need it or...you don't need it. There HAS to be some type of empirical way to determine the requirements. So, the last question is....Do you also currently run the EcoONE system in conjunction with the PacificBlue? If not, why not and if they want you to spend more $$$'s on both products you might want to understand the costs differences of those programs vs. the older "2 tbsp of Di-Cholr after each dip. Di-Chlor probably runs me about $80/year and doesn't leave any chlorine smell in the pool (because it dissipates overnight)
they say I don't need anything else since my spa has ozone running
If I have any problems with it after a while I'll definitely want to try the chlorine. Your routine seems pretty good, and easy. Does it ever smell too much like chlorine? Just curious, I like a faint smell of chlorine (smells clean) but too much is irritating to my eyes and throat.
Does anyone else notice a slightly funny smell with the bromine? I only smell it when I first open the cover, then I can't really smell it any more...anyone else have any issues with bromine? Smells or irritation to the skin?