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I dont know why have so many leading manufacturers chosen for so many years NOT to put a legitimate floor on their spas? Many are finally starting to do it, but why did it take so long? Vanguard is assuming that the spa shell is always being sanitized properly, we all know in this business that lots of the time that a spa is in use it isnt being sanitized properly. Many times there is absolutely NO free chlorine reading at all on the test strip when I test spa water for customers.
I highly doubt that Microban is JUST a marketing tool. No way do all the manufacturers and dealers go thru the extra expense of having Microban, if its of no importance.
So, how does microban on shell help with water that is not properly sanitized?See: ftp://http://www.rhtubs.com/microban.htm[glow]And what does a "floor" have to do with microban?
Micro ban in my opinion probably works in some way! However it doesn't mean you don't have to use a sanitizer in your spa, and its not some magic thing that keeps your spa sparkling clean. Suppose a salesman could make someone believe it does just to up charge the product. My understanding of how microban works on spa shells,filters and kitchen counter tops is it does nothing more than inhibit the growth of bacteria on the surface of said product inhibit growth, not kill bacteria. To me micro ban on a spa shell means nothing, like Dan said if its so great why don't other company's use it. I use the same analogy when someone is shopping Beachcomber spas and all excited about the external spa pack. If its so great why are they the only ones that do it?? I don't have any problem with it just don't think its needed. Same could be said for stainless escutcheons if they are there fine, but I wouldn't pay extra to get it. Many I talk to are under the assumption the whole jet is stainless not just the front, once again its back to the salesman's pitch and how its perceived by the customer.
I'll avoid putting my toes in the water and actually commenting on its true usefulness but let’s realize this is a Marketing driven industry. IMO the decision to add Microban is absolutely about the perception (or reality) of how well it helps spa sales vs how wells it actually works.
I definetely agree that Microban wouldnt be a make or break item on a spa, but to say that its just a marketing ploy, is quite comical to say the least.
That's exactly what it is. I remember years ago reading an article related directly to the spa business that no one could use the term "sanitizer" when speaking of microban. There was a liability issue and many if not MOST dealers that offered it, over sold it.To suggest that this product could do anything positive in a 0 chlroine environment in a spa is almost comical to say the least. As with any marketing BS, I say show me documented proof of it working and to what degree in a spa environment. Countertops don't count sorry to say....
So its beneficial for countertops, but not on spas. You dont say...
Please oh please self proclaimed experts of the almighty spa world show me documented proof that it is marketing bs. I guess all these manufacturers need to quit wasting so much money with Lucite.