We carried it for awhile it worked ok for those that used it right, in my opinion if used right it will last along time and your chem sales in time will actually go down depending how many people you put on it. I still have some left and the people that are still on it I see maybe every 6 months or longer to buy more.
Also as you read through it, it is not chlorine free. They suggest if I remember right adding chlorine periodically.
I think the one downfall is people tend to use to much of it, in this product less is better. But I am sure use of spa varies as well,but the people that like it dont add much of the product to there spa, and make it last along time. I dont think you would want to sell just this product alone but continue to carry the normal stuff as well.
A side note it didnt get along with nasty well water.
Hey its worth a try worst you could do would be drop it later.