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Author Topic: "Ideal" test strip, cloudy water  (Read 7366 times)


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"Ideal" test strip, cloudy water
« on: August 20, 2008, 12:11:59 am »
Was away from the tub for a few days, came back and shocked and added chlorine.  Tonight the test strip shows everything (PH, Free Chlorine, etc.)  in the ideal range but the tub is still a little cloudy.  We want to use it tonight so I guess I have two questions:
1. Is it ok to go in a cloudy tub if the test strip shows everything in the Ideal range?
2. Is it ok to go in the tub just after adding Clarifier if we wanted the tub to be clear?

By the way, I haven't posted since I was searching  (been lurking though) so I thought I'd give a quick update.  We wound up going with the Sundance Chelsee. Love the tub and the jets and everything but after a few days after we got it, we realized it was leaking (very very slowly).  The service guys came out the next day and discovered it was our waterfall (we didn't know you could turn it off yet, lots of knobs!).  They ordered the parts but it will be a few weeks until they get in but as long as we don't run the waterfall it doesn't leak.

And a couple pics...

The backyard - you can see the tub in the notch in the deck

And me getting my birthday cake in the tub (no I didn't eat it in the tub and that's not why it's cloudy :P)

And this was the night of our first soak

Yeah... I think I need to work on getting a tripod out there and getting better pics :)

Thanks for the help!

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"Ideal" test strip, cloudy water
« on: August 20, 2008, 12:11:59 am »


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Re: "Ideal" test strip, cloudy water
« Reply #1 on: August 20, 2008, 12:59:02 am »
Ok one more question to tack on.

Is the filter supposed to spin? like..all the time? Ours never seems to spin so we are wondering if it's working.. but maybe it does, just not when we're in it?  Can anybody fill me in on how exactly the filter works?

Thanks again!


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Re: "Ideal" test strip, cloudy water
« Reply #2 on: August 20, 2008, 08:51:43 am »
Looks like a party, nice pics. As far as the cloudy water, you may just want to drain and fill the the spa.  You know, with the party and all... ;).
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Re: "Ideal" test strip, cloudy water
« Reply #3 on: August 20, 2008, 02:46:16 pm »
The filter shouldn't spin, tighten the nut at the end of the filter  just don't over tighten, add a little clarifier run pump 1 for awhile should be fine.  

  If you haven't shocked in awhile do so then add clarifier.  


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Re: "Ideal" test strip, cloudy water
« Reply #4 on: August 20, 2008, 03:15:17 pm »
Thanks guys!   We have to dump in 2 weeks when they come to fix our waterfall so I was hoping not to do it twice in 2 weeks :)  

Thanks for the info on the filter, Adam kept telling me it was supposed to spin and that it wasn't doing anything :P


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Re: "Ideal" test strip, cloudy water
« Reply #5 on: August 20, 2008, 04:47:32 pm »
Thanks guys!   We have to dump in 2 weeks when they come to fix our waterfall so I was hoping not to do it twice in 2 weeks :)  

This would be an exception to my “when in doubt, drain it out” rule. ;D
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Re: "Ideal" test strip, cloudy water
« Reply #6 on: August 20, 2008, 04:52:16 pm »
Thanks guys!   We have to dump in 2 weeks when they come to fix our waterfall so I was hoping not to do it twice in 2 weeks :)  

Thanks for the info on the filter, Adam kept telling me it was supposed to spin and that it wasn't doing anything :P
Are you sure you need to drain for waterfall repair?
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Jacuzzi Jim

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Re: "Ideal" test strip, cloudy water
« Reply #7 on: August 20, 2008, 06:57:26 pm »
Are you sure you need to drain for waterfall repair?

  I thought the same thing, you wouldn't have to with a Jacuzzi, Sundance is set up pretty much the same.

  Unless thats the back of the spa against the deck??


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Re: "Ideal" test strip, cloudy water
« Reply #8 on: August 20, 2008, 07:07:26 pm »
First you need to know if it's cloudy because of bacteria or gunk. If it's bacteria - hit it hard (10 + PPM) with chlorine. If it's gunk - does it foam? If yes, let it foam and scoop out the gunk. Get as much out by scooping and the add MPS to burn off the rest. If need be add some clarifier after about 2 hours or so - let the MPS work along with filtration.

Once you use clarifier and the tub clears - rinse the filter out to get rid of what it trapped.


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Re: "Ideal" test strip, cloudy water
« Reply #9 on: August 20, 2008, 07:33:33 pm »

  I thought the same thing, you wouldn't have to with a Jacuzzi, Sundance is set up pretty much the same.

  Unless thats the back of the spa against the deck??

Yup, it's the side against the deck so they need to drain it to move it away from the deck.


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Re: "Ideal" test strip, cloudy water
« Reply #10 on: August 20, 2008, 07:35:45 pm »
First you need to know if it's cloudy because of bacteria or gunk. If it's bacteria - hit it hard (10 + PPM) with chlorine. If it's gunk - does it foam? If yes, let it foam and scoop out the gunk. Get as much out by scooping and the add MPS to burn off the rest. If need be add some clarifier after about 2 hours or so - let the MPS work along with filtration.

Once you use clarifier and the tub clears - rinse the filter out to get rid of what it trapped.

So how do I know the difference (if it's gunk or bacteria - there's a slight amount of foam but no gunk on the foam - it looks clean and not scoopable)?  I threw some clarifier and shock in a few minutes ago.  Hoping that helps :)  I figured I'd wait till tomorrow to rince the filter, is that ok? Or should I do it tonight?


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Re: "Ideal" test strip, cloudy water
« Reply #11 on: August 20, 2008, 07:56:20 pm »
Sorry, I should have explained. The easiest way IMO is to find if you have chlorine or bromine. If you don't' add some - say 2 PPM and see if it goes away in 20 minutes. If it does then you're fighting bacteria, if it stays OK (goes down 1/2 PPM) then it's gunk. Also, stuff in the water does tend to foam; I've gotten 6" or more at times and it takes on a different look then water type foam.

My opinion is you may be fighting bacteria - if you had a party, had people in the tub and didn't keep a residue in it before, during and after then bacteria had a chance to get a foot hold. The few times I have had people over I make sure that the tub has 3 PPM before anyone goes in, if it was used a lot (all day and or by a lot of people) then I add chlorine when there's a lul in the usage (people are eating) and then after people have left, a nice big dose to kill anything that might be growing. Not knowing how it was was used, it's hard to say but if a lot of people were using the tub - one or two scoops which might work for a single person or family soak does not work.

What I like to do is keep a couple of small bottles (medicine) around to be able to dose without much problems ... just walk to the tub, turn on the jets and plop in the chlorine. If you're using bromine I will  assume the same holds true for it as well.

As far as rinsing the filter - you can wait until the tub clears - just remember a clear tub doesn't mean that it's biologically safe.
« Last Edit: August 20, 2008, 07:57:35 pm by Vinny »


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Re: "Ideal" test strip, cloudy water
« Reply #12 on: August 22, 2008, 03:23:46 pm »
Thanks everyone for the help. No more cloudy :)

Hillbilly Hot Tub

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Re: "Ideal" test strip, cloudy water
« Reply #13 on: August 22, 2008, 03:40:48 pm »
Don't forget Chas's law with new tub owners! :)
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Re: "Ideal" test strip, cloudy water
« Reply #14 on: August 26, 2008, 07:55:22 am »
I also want to say thanks to everyone, I had the same problem and worked through this whole post. Great information here!
Now I have crystal clear water and an ideal test strip.  :)

"The needs of many great soaks out way the needs of a few... or the one."

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Re: "Ideal" test strip, cloudy water
« Reply #14 on: August 26, 2008, 07:55:22 am »


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