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Hmmmmm......a lady just called me, asked "Is this Termie? Well this is So and So. You know how you're always telling me I can come up to your store and get in the spa and drink wine? Well, me and 3 other girls are wanting to come up there and do that." ......
That sounds like quite an interesting world your live in! Do you think its the TEXAS or the TERM that makes stuff like that happen?
KEEP THE CAMERAS SET UP!Finally got it working. Firefox don't like it, but IE does (once waiting 5 minutes for it to load).
I was expecting special Christmas Elves.... 8-)When do they arrive???The Doob
Ding danged cameras!My boss popped over around noon for an inpromptu meeting, so I busted out a bottle of wine. I had taken the cameras off line because it slows down the internet connection here at the store. Sure enough, this good lookin' woman came in to look at a Solana TX and I just knew Dr. Spa was pointin' and clickin' his fingers raw to capture a still shot. Then I came back in here and saw that the cable was unplugged and I wept.Anyways, Gomboman, yes...I can set the camera on just one frame or can have them rotate. I was disappointed in the quality of the picture when I remotely viewed from home, so I am going to see about upgrading to a faster server. The picture flows very smoothly here on the store's computer, but was very herky-jerky and pixilated on my home computer (which is 4 or 5 years old which may be the problem).Anyways, the camera is running again if anyone cares.Nice job with the cameras. one question since the cameras are working does that mean no one else has to or do you close early on Fridays?
Nice job with the cameras. one question since the cameras are working does that mean no one else has to or do you close early on Fridays?